Oh, my flag you are my hope and symbol of my loyalty
31 December, 2013Khartoum, (Sudanow)-Quite a few things are unifying for the Sudanese people as the current National flag. With its four colours , representatives of the Sudanese Afro-Arab affiliation, the present day flag has undergone ...
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Khartoum says US should remove Sudan's name from the list Washington consiers sponors of terrorism, if it were keen on improving relations
28 December, 2013Khartoum, Dec.28(SUNA)- Sudan on Saturday said if the US Administration was keen to improve relations with the Sudan, then it shoudl remove the name of Sudan from the list of countries it considers sponors of internation...
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Presidents of Sudan and Chad agree to cooperate on economy and security issues
24 December, 2013Khartoum, (sudanow.info.sd )Sudan and Chad on Tuesday agreed to work together for maintaing security along their joint borderlines, and at the same time develop cross border trade and transit activities. President Idr...
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Sudan-Russia conclude cooperation agreements
23 December, 2013Khartoum, (Sudanow) -The joint Sudanese-Russian ministerial committee, during three days of meetings that ended on Wednesday, concluded several protocols and memoranda of understanding on economic and trade cooperation....
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The Sudanese Russian Joint Ministerial Committee’s Meetings pave the way for a strategic and sustainable cooperation between the two countries
23 December, 2013Khartoum, (Sudanow) – Sudan and Federal Russia are linked with strong friendship bonds that are well rooted in history. This history shows that the process of the bilateral relations between the two countries are ...
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Armed Forces seize positions from rebels in S Kordufan
21 December, 2013Khartoum, (Sudanow) - The army said it has recaptured dozens of positions hitherto held by the rebel Revolutionary Front (SRF), seizing large quantities of ammunitions, weapons and equipment, a part of its dry season of...
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INTERVIEW with: Abdullah Zakariya Idriss: Director, International Center for African Studies (ICAS)
20 December, 2013The Arabs are in need for a new leadership, a new resurrection taking roots from the moderate Islam and fighting extremism. -The Sudan is the world’s second richest country in terms of natural resources, yet with ...