moderate rain
humidity: 100%
wind: 2km/h NNW
H 24 • L 24


  • Golden Engagement
    Golden Engagement

    Slowly, slowly western companies are returning to Sudan. The last to show up is an Australian gold miner, who joined hands with a Canadian counterpart to venture into gold mining business in Sudan. Resolute Mining of Au...

  • Pioneer Of Designing Arabic Alphabet On Computer
    Pioneer Of Designing Arabic Alphabet On Computer

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow)—For ordinary people he might be one of thousands carrying a PhD titles before their names. But, to computer experts, language programmers, he stands aloof, a towering figure that introduced ...

  • Sycamore, The Sudan's Fig
    Sycamore, The Sudan's Fig

    KHARTOUM (SUDANOW)—The sycamore is a shady, huge, longevous, ever-green tree, about 20 meters high, with many branches and thin, a bit coarse oval leaves smaller in size than those of the fig tree and it bears frui...

  • Shuluk Tribal Justice
    Shuluk Tribal Justice

    KHARTOUM (SUDANOW) - It was a true story of a personal and family status that occurred before the secession of South Sudan in 2011 in Qalal Nahal area in Gedaref State, east Sudan, where a group of South Sudanese Shuluk ...

  • A Genius Child
    A Genius Child

    KHARTOUM (SUDANOW)— He was the first child in the Middle East to win the membership of Mensa IQ Society, the world's largest and oldest high IQ society for the genius persons who constitute 1% of total world popula...


Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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