Interview, Musician Anas Al-Aagib
April 15, 2018-Sudan’s cultural diversity accommodates all types of musical scales: fifth, seventh scales and Arab music. -A song aired in Sudan is performed in Somalia, Ethiopia, the Niger and Nigeria wit...
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Oil Worries
April 15, 2018The recent crisis of oil products supplies that hit the country refocuses the attention on the domestic issue of the oil industry and its political, economic implications. Again the topic of energy security in Sudan is r...
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Police Seizes Priceless Archeological Master Piece
April 13, 2018KHARTOUM (SUDANOW) - A police check point carrying out a routine check has found a priceless gold statue dating back to the pre-Christian Nubian kingdoms, reported Sudan News Agency (SUNA) Friday. Brigadier Mohamed Sala...
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Dates Production Requires More Government Attention
April 08, 2018KHARTOUM (Sudan) - The date palm tree is believed to be the oldest plant man had known. An integrated tree, the date palm shoots up 25 meters high and has benefits uncountable. Its fruits, the dates, constitute an ideal...
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Down Syndrome Center Kids Give More Than They Take, Director
April 08, 2018KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The main characteristic of these kids is love, truthfulness and good manners. They are God’s angels on Earth. That is what Ebtihaj Mohammad Oahaj, founder and director of the Sudan cen...
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Interview With Sudanese Poet Mutasim Alizerig
April 01, 2018Heritage is the entity of the Modern Poem. The prose poem is inaccessible and only attainable to the talented. The study of literary criticism is the light that discloses the ambiguity of creative w...
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Tapping Sudan’s Strategic Location
April 01, 2018The signing of a $4 billion partnership deal with Qatar last week to build and manage the Red Sea port of Suakin puts the country’s strategic location under spot and could be considered the first serious attempt to...