Recollections From The Nubian Exodus: The Last Look
January 07, 2018KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The sensational exodus of the Nubian people shortly before their land was to be submerged by the rising water of the High Dam (Upper Egypt) is a story without an end. In their new home in Kh...
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Unofficial Translation Of President Bashir's Statement On The National Day Anniversary
December 31, 2017KHARTOUM (SUNA/Sdanow) - Following is the statement delivered by the President of the Republic, Omar Bashir, on the eve of the 62nd Independence Day Anniversary. Quote: In the name of Allah the Merciful, Graceful, the ...
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Horizons Of Sudanese -Turkish Relations
December 23, 2017KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - This visit to Sudan is the second by President of the Republic of Turkey, His Excellency RecebTayyip Erdogan to our country, the first was in 2006 when he was a prime minister. Ever since, th...
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Sorghum, Sudan’s Staple Food Of All Times
December 17, 2017KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Sorghum has always been closely associated with the culture of the Sudan. Sorghum, as a basic element in the nutrition of Sudanese, has a lofty record in the daily life, traditions and beliefs o...
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Sorghum, Sudan’s Staple Food Of All Times
December 17, 2017KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Sorghum has always been closely associated with the culture of the Sudan. Sorghum, as a basic element in the nutrition of Sudanese, has a lofty record in the daily life, traditions and beliefs o...
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Sudan’s Traditional Foods Festival: A Varied, Rich Nutritional Culture
November 26, 2017KأِHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Sudan is gifted with a diverse climate, fauna and flora, food, people and sociological and cultural characteristics quite unique as compared to its neighbors in the Arab and African regions. Thi...
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Sudan Beauty Viewed By Malaysians
November 12, 2017Malaysia’s Siti Noor Afera Abu and Nur Ashikin Abdul Aziz, two leading journalists with Bernama, wrote interesting story about Sudan and its huge touristic potentials. And within the context of exchange of news and...