

  • Monkey's Revenage
    Monkey's Revenage

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - A middle-aged woman from a village in Central Darfur was able to free her husband from the jaws of a vengeful monkey that attacked him while working on his farm. The woman heard the cries of her hus...

  • A Woman Sacrifice
    A Woman Sacrifice

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - A housewife was busy doing her routine household work when all of a sudden policemen rushed in and started a search. After a while the police fished out a quantity of narcotics hidden in th...

  • Baby Boy Born With Two Heads
    Baby Boy Born With Two Heads

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The City of Kosti in the White Nile State last week saw a medical rare case when a woman gave birth to a baby boy with two heads. The baby was moved to the intensive care of the Khartoum Teaching Ho...

  • True To Say That Crime Is Useless
    True To Say That Crime Is Useless

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - This is another strange legal case Attorney, Doctor, Hazim Awad al-Karrem, has chosen to relate to Sudanow Magazine: A forty-year old woman had used to suffer from a mild heart ailment from time to...

  • A Baffling Business Legal Case
    A Baffling Business Legal Case

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - This is one of the rare judicial cases in the world of business, in fact a legal precedence in the international trade.   By its consequences, the case is seen to have increased the need for i...

  • Dead Fetus Testifies To Mother Innocence
    Dead Fetus Testifies To Mother Innocence

    KHARTOUM (Sudannow) - The norm in criminal cases is to conduct an autopsy to see whether the deceased had died of natural causes or there was a crime. But it is unusual to exhume a body and conduct a forensic test on it ...


Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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