moderate rain
humidity: 100%
wind: 2km/h NNW
H 24 • L 24


  • Keep Politics Away From Oil
    Keep Politics Away From Oil

    The unprecedented Saudi reaction to what it termed Canadian meddling into its domestic affairs carries with it a very clear message:Keep politics away from oil.  Though Riyadh resorted to an unproportioned measures...

  • The Sudanese Translators Principal, Al-Sir Khidir
    The Sudanese Translators Principal, Al-Sir Khidir

      -I was the first one in the Arab world to translate for James Joyce -The best translation is the one that is motivated by affection -The translation is a medium for communicating our innovation to the world &n...

  • Child Labor Requires Reconsideration
    Child Labor Requires Reconsideration

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - One summer night while I was commuting back home, a young kid carrying a plastic bag got into the bus. The kid was stumbling from his heavy load and was about to fall down. I was surprised ...

  • Cantaloupe, Sudan's Promising Export Fruit
    Cantaloupe, Sudan's Promising Export Fruit

            KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The cantaloupe, or sweet melon, is a sweet and healthy fruit that grows wide in the Sudan. Cantaloupes range in weight from 0.5 to 5 kilograms (1 to 11 lb...

  • YUSRA, A Miraculous Sudanese Woman
    YUSRA, A Miraculous Sudanese Woman

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - It is natural for a person to excel his peers, something which is called an accomplishment, but it is a miracle if a young person excels his seniors in age and knowledge. The Sudanese woman has alwa...

  • The Ladder And Snake Game In The Red Sea
    The Ladder And Snake Game In The Red Sea

    The unprecedented decision taken by Saudi Arabia to immediately suspend its oil shipments through the Bab El-Mandab waterway following an attack by the Houthis on two very large crude carriers (VLCC), brings to the fore ...


Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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