moderate rain
humidity: 100%
wind: 2km/h NNW
H 24 • L 24


  • Sudan Beauty Viewed By Malaysians
    Sudan Beauty Viewed By Malaysians

    Malaysia’s Siti Noor Afera Abu and Nur Ashikin Abdul Aziz, two leading journalists with Bernama, wrote interesting story about Sudan and its huge touristic potentials. And within the context of exchange of news and...

  • Interview: Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam
    Interview: Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam

    Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam to "Sudanow":  Moroccan and Sudanese people have a long-established relationship rooted in history.  Asilah city commemorated Tayeb Salih by naming him on one of the gardens...

  • Interview: Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam
    Interview: Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam

    Moroccan poetess Niama Benhallam to "Sudanow":  Moroccan and Sudanese people have a long-established relationship rooted in history.  Asilah city commemorated Tayeb Salih by naming him on one of the gardens...

  • A Sudanese Angle In Saudi Changes
    A Sudanese Angle In Saudi Changes

    (SUDANOW) - Despite the confusion related to recent developments in Saudi Arabia, but one thing is becoming crystal clear. For all practical purposes Saudi Arabia has entered into a new phase of setting up its Fourth Sta...

  • Goats That Eat Fish, Drink Pepsi
    Goats That Eat Fish, Drink Pepsi

    KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - News reaching here over the weekend from the Red Sea Port Town of Suakin have mourned a lighthearted fish restaurant owner who taught three goats he kept at his place to eat fish and enjoy drinking P...

  • Global Cultural Coexistence: What Islam Has To Offer
    Global Cultural Coexistence: What Islam Has To Offer

    Man has no choice, at least so far, within current scientific aptitudes, but to share the planet earth for living and coexisting, with all that such predestined fate may imply. Foremost among any implications is the mamm...


Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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