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Nile Flood Inundates Alneelain Mosque

Nile Flood Inundates Alneelain Mosque

Photo credit: Alrakoba. net

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The Alneelain Mosque is a distinct feature of Sudan in terms of location and design.

By that definition the Mosque is a rare architectural masterwork, built at the confluence of the two Niles in the form of a gigantic oyster or, say, a jewel with a thirty-meter diameter.

The Mosque was opened in September 1984 during the rule of the late President Ja’afar Mohammad Nimeri.

The inaugural ceremony was, then, graced by the late world boxing champion Mohammad Ali Clay.

Originally the design was a graduation research by student of architecture Gamar Aldawla Abdelgadir Altahir of the University of Khartoum.

When the late President Nimeiri saw the design in an exhibition, he recommended it for implementation.

It was the first building to be built from aluminum secants and without pillars where the ceiling is directly linked to the ground, thus taking the shape of an oyster.

The Mosque carries Islamic engravings and ornaments in which a great effort was made in collaboration with a selection of Moroccan artists.

The Mosque tomb and sides were studded with valuable pearls and protruding gypsum embroiders, in addition to fantastic mosaic portraits made up from small pieces of rock that look like oysters.

There are also breathtaking embroiders carved in wood. The Mosques podium also carries touching Islamic embroiders. The height of the Mosque’s minaret is 50 meters.

The Nile flood has this year inundated, for the first time, yard and outer sections of the Mosque.

The floods emergency committee says the magnitude of this year’s flood has not been seen in the country a hundred years back.

The flood has inundated a number of neighborhoods, causing great losses in lives, houses and properties around the country and in Khartoum.



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