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Sudanese Film “Goodbye Julia”  Clinches Five Prizes From El Gouna Film Festival

Sudanese Film “Goodbye Julia”  Clinches Five Prizes From El Gouna Film Festival

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) — The Sudanese long film project ‘Goodbye Julia” has won five prizes in the recent El Gouna Film Festival.

The film is the work of Sudanese filmmaker Mohammad Alkurdofani and was directed by Amjad Abulela, a  Sudanese film directer. It is a production of Station Films and was part of the films concerned with the development of the post- production phase.

The prizes collected by the film are: The best film project in the phase of development ($15.000), certificate of the El Gouna Cinema Platform, the New Century Prize ($10.000), the distribution guarantee prize from Mad Solutions, prize of Argo media Features ($30.000) and the Mentorship prize presented by IEFTA.

Mohammad Kordufani is a Sudanese filmmaker and producer based in Bahrain where he works as an aviation engineer. He had studied a course in independent filmmaking. He had produced his first short film “Gone For Good” in 2015. His second film was Njarkouk was first screened in the Carthage Cinema Days Festival in Morocco and won prize of the cinema screens network for the best short film. It also won the Hassan Shareef prize (the black elephant) for the best Sudanese film.

in 2017, in addition to a number of other awards.

Goodbye Julia is a  fiction feature film about two women who represent the complicated relationship and differences between Northern and Southern Sudanese communities. The story takes place in Khartoum during the last years of Sudan as a united country.

The El Gouna Film Festival (GFF) is an annual film festival established in 2017, held in the Red Sea resort town of El Gouna, Egypt.


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