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Captivating French Celebration Of Sudan’s Revolution

Captivating French Celebration Of Sudan’s Revolution

French President Emanuel Macron (centre) and the Sudanese revolution's icons

PARIS, France (Sudanow) ـــ France has celebrated the Sudanese revolution with an invitation to its youthful iconic and symbolic leaderships for a symposium organized by the Paris-based Arab World Institute, in collaboration with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The symposium was organized in congruency with the international conference, held to support Sudan’s transition to democracy (May17) and was meant to incarnate the heroic deeds of the Sudanese young men and women during the revolution.

French President Emanuel Macron has glorified the Sudanese revolution with a lengthy opening address.

He said: Three words chanted by the Sudanese protesters, three words that strongly resonate in our homeland, three words that resemble my international expectations: Freedom, Peace and Justice. These three words had moved the peaceful demonstrations that lead to the fall of despot Omar Albashir. These young men and women who went out into the streets since 19 December 2018 were asking for nothing but to live in freedom. They have inspired all the peoples of the World. 

Youthful symbols participating in the symposium, had included leading figure in the Professionals Alliance (that ignited the revolution), Mohammad Naji Alasam, activist Ala’a Salah, gas canisters hunter during the protests Ms. Rifqa Abdlrahman, activist Manara Asad and activist Sandios Alnoor Kudi.

From left: Alaa, Alasam, Manara, Kudi, Rifqa


The event was held on the grand theatre of the Institute and was addressed by these youths who explained the social change taking place in Sudan, the hopes for change and the many challenges awaiting the country. 

The symposium was opened by the Institute President, Mr. Jack Lang, who welcomed the Sudanese officials and diplomats attending the event, indicating that the celebration was a wish of President Macron to welcome Sudan’s return to the World community and present a function on the Sudanese People’s Revolution.

Addressing the attending activists, Mr. Lang has said: “You represent the hope and we are here today to hail the presence of the young men and women in the Sudanese revolution. You cannot imagine how Sudan is dear to us.”  

The symposium was opened with a show of images on a big screen, which documented the days of the revolution from the early beginning when the masses poured into the streets in rejection of the regime that suppressed the Sudanese people for thirty years. The pictures showed demonstrators of both sexes protesting in different ways and chanting: Freedom, Peace and Justice. The pictures also showed the wall drawings at the sit-in venue and the neighboring areas.

Each of the youthful symbols of the revolution then spoke about his own experiments during the uprising, what happened after the revolution and his/her visions about the future of change in the country. The best of what they have said was that they were determined to continue with the struggle to protect their revolution until it realizes its objectives.

Alaa Salah, a university engineering student and a political activist, internationally recognized for her Sudanese traditional white toub (sari) and big earnings, is remembered to have addressed the massive gathering of protesters, standing aboard a truck at the sit-in venue beside the Army General Command.

Medical doctor Mohammad Naji Alasam, who hailed from Kordofan state of the mid-west, was known for his high charisma. He was one of the most outstanding figures in the revolution and was arrested a few days after the revolution broke out and was not released until after the regime downfall on 11 April 2019. Upon his release, he received a hero’s welcome at the sit-in zone.

Manara Asad, a freedom fighter from Darfur, is a graduate of the Faculty of Science (Zoology Section), University of Khartoum, in 2017. She was a student activist, a Unicef youth ambassador of peace and a founding member of the company Muntajatna (our products) that specializes in local Sudanese products. Ms. Manara had represented Sudan in a number of international conferences.           

Sandios Kudi was born in the Nuba Mountains district, from which his family immigrated to the outskirts of Khartoum because of the war. He graduated as a veterinary doctor from the University of Khartoum and now he is in its teaching staff. He is a writer and active editor in the Magazine ‘New Generation’.

Ms. Rifqa Abdelrahman was very active during the revolution. Images were captured of her picking burning tear gas canisters and throwing them back on the riot police. She had received acclaim from the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab for her daring personality, who said “she inspired me with courage and resolve.”

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