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Qatar Charity starts implementing ‘water plant’ project in Sudan

Qatar Charity starts implementing ‘water plant’ project in Sudan

By: Mohamed Osman Adam

July 24 (Sudanow) - Qatar Charity (QC) has started implementing a new ‘water plant’ project in Tajmla, Rashad, South Sudan to contribute to meeting the need of a large number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the host community in the area.  


Civil works are now underway to complete the implementation of the water plant project after the specialized drilling unit conducted several studies and experiments before qualitative interventions.


Mr. Abkar Adam Ahmed Hussein, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid in Rashad, southern Sudan, said that Qatar Charity’s water plant project will contribute to solving the biggest problem faced by the population in the area, especially after many old water sources were destroyed, noting that this project came in a timely manner. He pointed out that there is still a great need for more interventions to solve the water crisis in Rashad.


He indicated that in Rashad, there are nearly 32,000 IDPs suffering from problems with access to water, and the number of the IDPs has risen, during the past months, to 3,000, which has put pressure on water sources.


It is worth noting that Qatar Charity has become a member of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Sudan (OCHA). This allows Qatar Charity to actively participate in the projects of the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF).


During the past few months, Qatar Charity in Sudan was chosen to be a partner for the implementation of two projects for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


The drilling unit of Qatar Charity’s Sudan office continued to implement water projects to contribute to ending the suffering of the people most in need of water in the states of Sudan. The intervention of Qatar Charity by digging wells and constructing water plants will continue during the coming months in South Kordofan State, which is in urgent need for water projects.


It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity drilled 222 wells last year in Darfur, Kordofan, and other states that were suffering from a lack of potable water. During five years, 170,000 people have benefited from these projects.

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