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American Economic Sanctions on the Sudan Lifted

American Economic Sanctions on the Sudan Lifted

Heather Nauert

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The American Economic sanctions on the Sudan have been lifted, according to a press statement issued by Heather Nauert, the American Department Spokesperson on Friday. Following is the statement:


Today, the United States decided to revoke economic sanctions with respect to Sudan and the Government of Sudan under Executive Orders 13067 and 13412, in recognition of the Government of Sudan’s sustained positive actions to maintain a cessation of hostilities in conflict areas in Sudan, improve humanitarian access throughout Sudan, and maintain cooperation with the United States on addressing regional conflicts and the threat of terrorism. The revocation will be effective October 12, 2017. This action came about through a focused, 16-month diplomatic effort to make progress with Sudan in these key areas.

To implement this decision, pursuant to Executive Order 13761, as amended by Executive Order 13804, and following consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Secretary of State Tillerson will publish a notice in the Federal Register and has provided a report to the President on the Government of Sudan’s sustained positive actions over the mandated reporting period of the last nine months.

The report, which details Sudan’s positive actions in these areas, is available at https://www.state.gov/p/af/rls/2017/274667.htm.

The Government of Sudan’s actions during the last nine months show that it is serious about cooperating with the United States and has taken significant steps to stop conflict and improve humanitarian access within Sudan, and to promote regional stability. However, much more progress is needed to fully and sustainably achieve peace in Sudan and to cooperate with the United States on a range of Administration priorities, including further expanding humanitarian access, improving the Government of Sudan’s human rights and religious freedom practices, and ensuring that the Government of Sudan is committed to the full implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea.

The United States will continue efforts to improve bilateral relations with Sudan. Any further normalization of ties will require continued progress by the Government of Sudan. Furthermore, the United States is prepared to use additional tools to apply pressure if the Government of Sudan regresses on progress to date in the five areas noted above or takes negative actions on other areas of concern.



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