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Ahmed Khair

Ahmed Khair

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The death of Ahmed al-Khair, a teacher in the Sudan’s eastern city of Khushem Algirba, has spurred wide condemnations among the Sudanese, prompting authorities to set up a high level legal committee to probe the case.

The late teacher was arrested last Thursday and detained along with others, accused of planning to stage demonstrations in the city.

Social media reports converging from different sources, said the teacher was subjected to physical and psychological torture while in detention by the security body in the town, leading to his subsequent death on Friday. Police and security have maintained that the teacher died of poisonous food he and other detainees, as well as security men, had consumed.

The high level legal committee has pointed out that the forensic report showed injuries resulting from the use of solid or sharp instrument resulted in the death of late Khair.

Head of the committee Aamir Mohamed Ibrahim said Thursday, in a press conference held at Sudan News Agency, that the report showed evidence of beating on the back, legs, shoulders and kidneys.

The death of Khair brought the number of those killed during the nation-wide protests to 54 according to human right activists while the official figure is put at 40 people.




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