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Uncle Babiker

Uncle Babiker


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Uncle Babiker is a tall man in his seventies with long neglected hippie-like thick hair and a heavy beard. He is dressed in a green and red colourful Sufi garment and from his neck dangles a heavy balanites rosary of 1000 beads. He always carries the Sudan flag fixed to a long wooden bar.

By that appearance he always catches eyesight of those who visit the place, including foreign correspondents who insist to interview and take photos with him.

With the agility of an antelope he moves around the place like a butterfly in a field of flowers. Whenever he sees a bigger gathering listening to a speaker, he would rush to it and take the podium, displaying wide knowledge about the topic being discussed. He would also join the dancing in circles of patriotic songs and music.

Uncle Babiker gives lengthy and plain patriotic advises to those present. He would snatch the mike from the platforms’ youths and would not seek permission to speak. He warns the youths around against what he calls “the revolutions’ thieves”, accounting with an iron memory for his experiences during the October 1964 and April 1985 uprisings against dictatorial rule. In this regard he gives comparisons about what happened during those uprisings and what happens now. Here he gives credit to the current December 2019 Revolution for its peacefulness and for the dominance of the feminine element in it. “This generation is resolved and brave and is not matched by any generation other than their Mahdist ancestors,” he would say. The Mahdist worriers had managed to liberate Sudan from the British- aided Turko-Egyptian rule in 1885.

Uncle Babiker also tells the gatherings about his long stay in the Gulf Region and generously invites anyone who wishes to visit him at his workshop in Alshigla neighborhood of Omdurman to get a free car repair.



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