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Departure Of Mohammad Mustafa Alamin: Great Loss For Sudanese Cinema

Departure Of Mohammad Mustafa Alamin: Great Loss For Sudanese Cinema

Photo credit: Medameek

HARTOUM (Sudanow) - The Sudanese cinema industry Tuesday mourned one of its most outstanding researchers and critics, Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Alamin, who dedicated his entire life to develop this industry.

Alamin was one of a few to have been preoccupied with cinema since when he graduated from the High Institute for Music and Theatre in 1978, majoring in criticism, land joined the Cinema Corporation as a researcher. He also contributed quite a lot of writings in criticism and research and then obtained a doctorate degree in this art.

Dr. Alamin had served as a lecturer in the Sudanese universities, teaching the communication students, beside his tireless activity in the development of the cinema culture.

The Sudanese writers and intellectuals who mourned him on their web-pages on the social media and the press have agreed upon his rich contributions and high morality.

Wrote film director Sami Alsawi:

May be Alamin was one of the most committed, the most productive and the most dedicated among the artists and intellectuals with whom I worked, with his deep knowledge about collective work; all of this in a calm and selfless manner beyond description, gives all what he has and never waits for a prize from anyone.

With his departure the Sudanese cinema, faltering as it is, has lost a treasure of encyclopedic knowledge about the cinema history, both at home and abroad, with deep concern about documentation, criticism and care for upcoming generations. May be these generations understand and value and study the distinct contributions he made under difficult conditions.

Journalist and writer Aadil Color says about him:

The late Alamin is one of three individuals that made the triangle of modern cinema criticism: His good person, Saadiyya Abdelrahim and Abdelrahman Najdi.

He was very intimate and nice, always very kind to us as a rash generation on our first steps in the world of culture and the worries of formativeness.

Wrote journalist and writer Osman Turath: I have never known a person as humble, pure and innocent and decent like Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Alamin .

Until his departure, he had carried the ambition for the development of the African and Sudanese cinema. So, his latest achievements was an integrated perception about a union for the African cinema, a study about the cinema experiments in South Africa and Burkina Faso, in addition to national projects for the launch of a pioneering Sudanese-African cinema.


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