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Sudanese-European Film Festival Inaugurated

Sudanese-European Film Festival Inaugurated

By: Ismail Fadl

Khartoum, June 20 (Sudanow)- The activities of the 12th edition of the Sudanese European Film Festival (Car Cinema) opened this evening at the exhibition grounds in Barri, with the participation of the European Union and the participation of the Morouj Company, MTN Communications and Bajaafar Company.

 The festival will continue from 16-6 to 23-6. The idea of ​​the festival comes according to the organizers to support the Sudanese cinema by screening samples of Sudanese films and sharing samples of European films daily. Two shows for each party. On the first day, the Sudanese film (The Future) was displayed by young film maker Mohamed Naguib.

Are you ready for a unique film experience? Less than 5 days before the second edition of the Sudanese European Film Festival.

More than 20 films will be screened for 8 days starting from 16 to 23 June.

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