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Sudanese Protesters Roar Through The Streets Demanding More Reforms

Sudanese Protesters Roar Through The Streets Demanding More Reforms

By: Mohamed Osman Adam

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) – Hundreds of thousands of young Sudanese on Tuesday roared through the streets and public squares of Khartoum and other states demanding implementation of economic reform, a fully fledged civilian government and revelation of those behind the massacres of their peers, almost a year ago when the protesters were crushed by unknown military forces leaving hundreds dead. No one was however held accountable so far.

On June the 30th 2019, when the then Military Council was about to monopolize power within the whole political scene after the demise of Bashir in April 2019, the youth came out once again en masses and forced the military council to make concession and form the current hybrid government in which military and civilians are sharing the Sovereign Council while the civilians have the upper hand in the executive.

On Tuesday hundreds of thousands of youth in each town and in each states came out to protest peacefully but diligently asking the council of ministers which represents the forces that led to the demise of dictator Omar Bashir, to stand up again and see to it that their demands, including revealing who killed, maimed and made disappear, hundreds of youth, are met immediately.

The council of Minister in a late evening statement commended the march and said the message the youth had wanted to deliver has been well received.

“This government which came to power by your will and determination, would like to underline that your message has been received and the government is determined to respond to those demands” the Minister for Information and the official spokesman for the cabinet said. Faisal Mohamed Salih, the official spokesman, underlined that “as of tomorrow a serious work will be undertaken to fully convert those demands into decisions”.

The youth continued the pacific demonstrations, avoiding any clashes with the police and moving away from military compounds and offices. And even when an unknown gunman opened fire and one demonstrator was killed, the reaction was measured and well under control.

In Khartoum the whole traffic was at stand still, no transportation was available, still young men and women, and children, walked dozens of miles hoisting the Sudanese national flag and pictures of those who martyred a year ago, to reach the points of assembly in down town Khartoum to peacefully chant revolutionary slogans and at exactly 18 hours Sudan local time, the hundreds of thousands of youth evaporated from down town Khartoum and other main towns in the Sudan. But the mass media and the social media have feasted heavily on the unprecedented events of youth gathering without inflicting any harm of destroying any property, it was a unique event by all standards observers said.



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