Current Affairs
David Hoile
14 March, 2018
Professor David Hoile, Director of London's Africa Research Centre, has paid a visit to Sudan this week during which he met Sudanese Vice President Hasabou Mohamed Abdul and delivered press briefings.
He discussed with Hasabou political and economic situation in the Sudan, the Sudanese European dialogue and the role of the government and civil society organizations in the peace building process in Darfur.
In a press briefing in Sudan News Agency Prof. Hoile reiterated that placing the Sudan on the list of states sponsoring terrorism was built on mere allegations without any single piece of evidence.
He also rejected the International Criminal Court (ICC) claim that it was a legal and justice institution of international caliber. He added that countries like Russia, United States of America, China and Pakistan are not members in the said court, adding that as to justice the court was downright racial as it only targeted and tried black African leaders and people. And it is not independent or even judicial because over 60% of its budget is contributed by European countries and those are the ancient colonizers.
He concluded that some of its judges have never stood in a court room before let alone being judges.
Dr David Hoile is an academic and researcher specialising in international affairs and Africa. He has a particular interest in the new trend towards “lawfare”, the abuse of international law and legal institutions for political ends, and is the author of Justice Denied: The Reality of the International Criminal Court (2014). His other books include Darfur: The Road to Peace (2008), Darfur in Perspective (2005), Images of Sudan: Case Studies in Propaganda and Misinformation (2003) and editor of The Search for Peace in the Sudan: A Chronology of the Sudanese Peace Process 1989-2001 (2002).
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