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Mother Of The Martyr

Mother Of The Martyr


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Mother of the young Martyr Ahmed Abdelraziq (19), who was shot dead by a vengeful bullet during the popular sit-in in front of the Army General Command on April 6 ending his hopes in a better life.

Martyr Ahmed Abdelraziq

The bereaved mother wears an honorary decoration after her son’s exam result was declared. Topping his class, Martyr Ahmed graduated with honors from the American Aviation Academy (Air Operations).

Martyr Ahmed was a bodybuilder who dreamt of representing his country in future international contests.

Several of the martyrs mothers had appeared in the recent demonstrations against the bloody regime of Omar Albashir that claimed thousands of lives during its protracted rule.

The demonstrators used to surround these mothers to pacify and console them.

Among these was also mother of the then young businessman Majdi Mahjoub who was sentenced to death at the early days of Bashir’s regime for the trivial felony of possessing some dollars, while the operatives of the regime were, at the time, busy trading in and hoarding foreign exchange.



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