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Sudan's COVID-19 Cases Reach 8316

Sudan's  COVID-19 Cases Reach  8316

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) – Sudan’s Ministry of Health announced 291 new cases of COVID-19 and 19 deaths according to Tuesday June 16 report on the pandemic.

The new update, published Friday on the Ministry’s website, raised the country’s total to 8316 including 506 deaths.

The Ministry said 120 recoveries were registered bringing the total to 3086.

The new cases were reported in Khartoum State (222), Gezira (23), North Darfur (4), Gadaref (7), White Nile (4), Sinnar (2), River Nile (19) and Kassala (10).

Meanwhile, Khartoum State lockdown was extended for another ten days starting today, Friday. But the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowment allowed opening of all mosques and churches provided that the worshipers must abide by precautionary measures such as sterilization of the place, shortening the prayers and wearing a mask.


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