
FIFA Lifts Ban On Sudan

FIFA Lifts Ban On Sudan

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The World football governing body(FIFA) Thursday lifted the ban it imposed on Sudan last week in protest of what it considered government interference in the football affairs, media outlets in this East African Capital, including the State-Run TV, reported Thursday afternoon.
When imposing the ban,  the FIFA considered a ruling by the justice ministry that favoured a contending group for the leadership of the Sudanese Football Association (SFA) as government intervention in the affairs of the World's most popular game and a contravention of the FIFA laws.
The FIFA had rejected all pleas by the SFA to lift the ban,  insisting that the justice ministry revokes its ruling, a matter that most probably had taken place now.
The SFA is yet to release details of the  FIFA letter lifting the ban.
The ban had hit Sudan very hard  as one of its teams(Hilal-al-Obayyid) had already qualified for the quarter finals of the CAF Confederation Cup. The CAF had already disqualified the club from the contest. Another of Sudan's football giants(al-Mirrikh) had one step to qualify for the quarter finals of the African Champions League.
Both Mirrikh and Hilal al-Obayyid had reportedly appealed to the CAF to let them continue in the contests, citing a precedence when the FIFA froze Cameroun and when  the FC Cotton made an appeal,  it was allowed to continue in the contest.
For its part Mirrikh has already qualified for the quarter-finals of the Arab champions league contest. The Arab Football Union, though not a FIFA member, had said it would not permit Mirrikh to take part in the contest until the FIFA lifts the Sudan freeze. The contest is due to take place in Alexandria, Egypt, later on in July.




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