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Ibn Aouf Resigns

Ibn Aouf Resigns

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The President of the Interim Military Council, lt Gen Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibin Aouf, has announced his resignation from the leadership of the council and named lt Gen Abdul Fatah Al Burhan Abdul Rahaman, his successor in the post.
He also declared the dismissal of lt Gen Kamal Abdul Maaroof from the post of the vice president of the Interim Military Council.

The new president of the Interim Military Council, Abdul Fatah Al Burahan Abdul Rahaman, was immediately sworn in before the Sudanese Chief Justice.
The outgoing general Ibin Aouf said his resignation was to avoid disintegration of the country and the regular forces and the armed forces in particular.
The popular marches and protests have not stopped since Ibin Aouf announced his statement and the protest continued calling for his resignation as he was part of the previous regime of president Bashir.
Immediately after the resignation of ibin Aouf huge crowds of youth, males and females came out into the streets of Khartoum in jubilation.
Abdul Fatah Al Burahan Abdul Rahaman is the general inspector of the Sudanese Armed Forces. 

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