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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Osama Abdul Majid has warned in a column carried by Akhir Lahza daily newspaper of Sunday against an offer which he described as "a precious gift" by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok to grant South Sudanese the Sudanese nationality to have double nationalities.


He fears this offer might create animosity with Juba and might be regarded by Juba as interference in the domestic affairs of South Sudan and Abdul Majid believes that President Salva Kiir Mayardit, his government and the ruling People's Liberation Movement would not be happy with it.


The ruling clique in Juba would consider this offer as an attempt for gaining compassion of the Southerners as a start of plans for reunion, aborting materialization in 2011 of a long dream they were harboring for secession, the columnist noted.


He reminded that the result of the self-determination referendum was 98.6% for separation of the South from Sudan, something which the columnist believes this percentage would make the Dr. Hamdok and the Freedom and Change Forces (FCF) reconsider their plan for reunion.



The cash shortage crisis has almost been overcome this week resulting in narrowing, indeed even closing the gap between the cash and cheques prices.

Columnist and economic analyst Soumia Sayed wrote in her regular column in al-Intibaha daily saying though the banks were not able to accept all drawing orders of their clients; liquidating cheques and windrowing money in cash has gradually improved. The banks also received deposits of huge sums during this month and August.

Therefore, and based on our follow up on the question, we could assert that local banks have started to restore confidence of their clients, a confidence that was shuttered as a result of the policies applied by the defunct regime which in fact dealt a huge blow to the banking system to the effect that some banks were in the verge of total collapse, argued Soumia.

She explained that the Central Bank used to release only 10% of the banks ‘deposits which they had to use to meet the clients’ demands. The Central Bank itself was in short supply for local currency, not to mention the hard currencies. This was a consequence of the so called cash control policy. In fact that policy was but an attempt to cover the failures of gold buying policies of 2017.

The columnist attributed the confidence restoration in the banks to people’s expectations of improvement in the economic situation under the new civilian government. And although the exchange rate didn't decrease, remaining at 63 SDG for the dollar for the second month running, still it is a good indicator for businessmen and investors sector.

She proposed for Hamdok government to attract the Sudanese expatriates’ transfers that could fetch well over 6 billion dollar annually. The expatriates’ money and the exports revenues alone will reverse the current situation of foreign exchange market.



Columnist Shamail al-Nour has criticized in Altayyar daily newspaper of Monday violence by police against demonstrating school children in Nyala, Darfur region, on Saturday denouncing scarcity then non-existence of bread in the city.


Pictures appeared on the social media of school boys and girls lying on the ground suffering injuries as a result of an assault by police using tear-gas and bullets on the pupil demonstrators, reminding of the practices of repressive defunct regime that was toppled by the popular revolution, she said.


What happened in the Western city was extremely grave, not because it was waged against pupils but it was committed by the authorities of the government of the revolution that unseated Beshir, the columnist said, adding that it seems the civilian partner in the present government possesses no power other than statements of denunciation and has not until now reacted to the incidents, wondering whether the Sudanese people have to adapt to situations of violence and repression exercised by a dictatorship or by the government of a revolution.


It is true that no change has yet been made, though hopes are still attached to the government of Dr. Hamdok, and it is also true that the process of change cannot be made overnight and that repairing the damage of 30 years cannot be accomplished during the transitional period, but at least an unnecessary bloodshed must cease and the police must understand that they are under a new regime, said the columnist.



Columnist Zahir Bakheit al-Fakki has lamented in Aljareedah daily newspaper of Wednesday the condition of dormancy which he said the Sudanese standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO) has reached after the seizure of power by the revolutionary transitional authority of the Freedom and Change Forces (FCF).


He said, in comparison the SSMO, during the former Ingas regime, was actively engaged in its duties of protecting the consumer against harmful commodities and therefore it was supported by the people in its campaigns against corrupts and death traffickers who Fakki said were much concerned with hording money and profits even if this posed health hazards to the consumers.


The SSMO absented itself from the public scene during the Freedom, Peace & Justice era and went into complete inertia permitting freedom to commodities, services and markets, with both imported and local commodities violating the quality standards, thus inflicting diseases upon the consumers, the columnist said.





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