
Poultry Breeders Turn To Quails

Poultry Breeders Turn To Quails

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - In keeping with the known fancy of Sudanese for birds, a tendency is now growing for home breeding of common quails, for both food and for home beautification.

The tendency is getting momentum in the Sudanese countryside and in small towns in particular.

Sudan had always known common quails that used to live in the wild. But of late Sudanese have started to breed them in their homes. The tendency has attracted local and foreign investors to try this business, driven by the rising prices of meat and poultry and by the cost effectiveness of this investment. Sudan’s favourable climate for the quails is also another helping factor for the turn towards quail breeding.

Small scale farms and sheds around homes are being launched. Even inside homes one can see a place saved for a cage where these nice birds are kept and looked after.

The common quail can thrive in small areas. This has been confirmed by Engineer Altayeb Aljemaia’abi who owns a big quail farm at Taybat Alhasanab village South of Khartoum.

“Quail breeding is not that demanding in terms of effort and money. Their production cycle ranges between 32-45 days at most, after which they start to reproduce,” he said.

He said a quail female produces 350 eggs per annum and a one square meter area is enough to keep 50-60 of these birds.

Jemaia’abi also said the quail does not eat too much and can be fed on home food leftovers, just like chicken. The quail also does not need veterinary care and the housewife can take care of them with little effort. She just needs to clean the place once a week and provide them with food and water on daily basis. The quails also feed on cereals (wheat and barley) and on fruits and even flowers. They also eat worms. But they mainly feed on farm products. During the breeding season they are given fodder usually supplied to other types of poultry.

As can be seen from Engineer Jimaia’abi’s revelations, quails can constitute a suitable alternative for the now becoming expensive red meat.

The growing tendency among consumers to eat quail meat has encouraged breeders to invest more in them. Similarly, groceries and supermarkets have added them to their merchandise. Poultry traders in local markets now put quails to display in their shops.

In addition to its high nutritional value, quail meat is believed to be helpful with heart problems, thanks to its low content of fats and cholesterol. Quail meat is also a good appetizer. It is delicious and can be munched with utmost ease. That is why it appeals to children too much. It contains a high rate of protein, vitamins A,B, and C, in addition to such minerals as calcium and phosphorous.  

Quail eggs are also rich in phosphorous and are believed to boost the immunity system.

The growing tendency to breed quails has encouraged even foreign investors to delve into this business. A Saudi entrepreneur has launched vast quail farms in the Nahr al-Neel State, North of Khartoum, to meet local demand and for export to the Gulf Region where the product has found lucrative markets.



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