
Sudanese String Cheese

Sudanese String Cheese


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - String cheese refers to several different types of cheese where the manufacturing process aligns the proteins in the cheese, which makes it stringy. When mozzarella is heated to 60 °C and then stretched, the milk proteins line up. It is possible to peel strings or strips from the larger cheese. 

String cheese is one the most delicious of cheese types in the Sudan, assuming the second position after white cheese in terms of consumption, in particular among kindergarten and school kids.

It is widely marketed in the Sudan and also in the Gulf Region, where Sudanese expatriates never forget to remind their families back home to send some of it whenever possible. 

The State of North Kordofan (Mid-West) is the cradle of string cheese in the Sudan when Greek National, Mr. Benyoti started processing it with the help of one of his Greek neighbors in the village of Ardebbo, Kazgail district, in the 1930s.

The industry then spread to other parts of Kordofan. Some traders of El-Obayyid town, capital of North Kordofan State are famed for dealing in string cheese.


How To Make It?

String cheese is processed manually from cow milk. The milk is first filtered from impurities. Then it is pasteurized to ensure it is free from microbes. Then rennet tablets are added after which the milk is heated until it clots. The clot thus obtained is then put in a 70- degree water bath for 5 minutes. The stuff is then baked with an adequate amount of cumin. The dough thus obtained is flipped continuously until it reaches the required flexibility. Then the cheese is stringed and put in iced water for one hour. After that the cheese is put in the saline solution obtained from the fermentation process. Thus obtained the string cheese is packed in plastic barrels and shipped for marketing.

String cheese is classified within the category  of semi-hard cheese. It is guarded against poisoning and has a longevity of two years.

The string cheese industry has developed remarkably in the Sudan with milk factories processing it as a profit-based activity in the states of Gezira, the White Nile, Gedarif and Khartoum and the Butana region south of here.


Health And Nutritional Benefits Of String Cheese 

String cheese is rich in calcium, according to Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Renda Abdelmonem Ibrahim of the Sudan University of Science and Technology. Calcium is useful for human teeth and bones, she said. String cheese is also useful for brain health thanks to its content of the anti-oxidant glutathione. It also guards the body against diseases related to aging and maintains abdominal health.

As a fermented food, string cheese boosts useful abdominal bacteria and maintains health of the cells because of its high-quality content of protein, a substance necessary for the repair and building of cells.

String cheese also helps reduce the adverse effects of obesity and soothes heart disease.

Because it is rich in fats and proteins, string cheese contains high calories. It is also rich in vitamins, in particular vitamins A-B2-B6-B12-D-E-H. String cheese has a good rate of minerals, in particular calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron and zinc.

String cheese is also believed to protect the body against cancer thanks to its content of linoleic acid. Because it is rich in B vitamins, string cheese is very useful for the skin as it helps cell growth; thus helping with skin shine and removes skin spots and other defects. It also cements the eye immune system.





  1. Ziggy klein

    Where in Sydney Australia, can i buy the cheese? Please advise...

  2. Mustafa

    I am in the process of launching a small cheese factory and I have benefited greatly from the information

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