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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The editor has chosen the following commentaries and editorials that tackled three of the week’s most outstanding issues.

These are: The massive popular marches commemorating the third anniversary of the December 2018 Revolution that toppled dictator Omar Albashir and also pressing for a pure civilian rule and the revelations by Finance Minister Jibreel Ibrahim that the military coup has halted foreign aid to the country and that the 2022 budget would rely on domestic resources. The third issue is  the news leakages that  Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has an intent to resign office. 

Writing on the issue of the mass popular marches on the anniversary of the December Revolution, wrote rights defender, news analyst Dr. Murtada Alghali in the daily newspaper Aldemograti (the democrat).

Dr. Ghali has heaped lots of condemnations on chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Burhan and his confederate and deputy, General Mohammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemaidti), likening them, without naming them, to the dictators of North Korea, Cambodia and to Don Quixote and his associate Sancho Panza.
Wrote Dr. Ghali:

The revolutionary situation in Sudan has nothing to do with chaos as some enemies want us to believe.

It will not slid into chaos and will continue to elevate the country up and up.

It is steadfastness, valiance and sacrifice for the nation.

Look at what Brigadier Abu Hajja, Advisor to General Burhan, has said when he said the ‘demonstrators’ were not united and had raised (different slogans).

This is not your business Mr. Brigadier. Look here man! These were not ‘demonstrations’ as you and the other spoilers consider them.

This is a revolution of a people that will never bow down and leave its country under the mercy of the thieves, the despots and the looters of its resources.

This people have vowed not to tolerate any dictatorship whether it comes on the back of armored vehicles or by militias or through underhand dealings.

Your coup has come out so flimsy and in rags, hiding beneath these  rags the scorpions of the defunct regime, the dreamers of a return of the ugly national salvation regime.

Is this a revolution that can be controlled by Burhan or Hemaidti or Abu Hajja who, thus, can take the destiny of Sudan in their hands and install themselves in power along the example of Kim Jong Un of Korea who presented himself as the last of the Mogul  rulers?

What you want to do is a ring in the chain of the grisly scenes of the absurd which cannot be compared even to that done by the Khmer rogue leader, butcher Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Why don’t these two men (Burhan and Hemaidti) quit and leave the people of Sudan alone ?

What an absurd myth has caused these two persons to come upon us in this great country every morning with sterile and futile talk in which they twist their tongues with orders, commandments and boastful talk. They do so while they have nothing to support them other than a handful of remnants from the rubble of the salvation rule and a gang of  leaders of armed rebel movements who had used to preach freedom and resistance to despotism in the past, but they in the end came to face the people, lining up with Burhan, Himaidti and the Fulool (remnants of the Bashir regime) against the revolution and the people and the resistance youths, aided in this by the war mongers, thieves and those who trade in religion.

There is no explanation for this other than that some individuals in this category had taken hold of the Sudan’s resources and do not want to return them to the people, guarding these resources with the guns of militias and highwaymen. 

The glorious December Revolution has come here to stay. So when can this gang understand this glaring fact?

This Revolution is capable of sweeping all the dirt of Sudan and the human garbage however strong the decaying fulool leaders pretend to be.

These dwarfs cannot sit on the high throne of Sudan!!

The Revolution is destined to triumph, for there is no going back.

The Fulool have tried the last of their rusty weapons: military coups!!

Your coups have fizzled, so bloody and brutal as they are. So why this boasting and buffoonery  we hear every day from the fake generals, the fellows of Don Quixote and his follower Sancho Panza who carry their wooden posts to fight the windmills?

In a recent statement, Finance Minister, former rebel leader has said was “sad” that foreign aid has stopped following General Burhan’s military coup, saying this would oblige him to rely totally on domestic resources in the coming budget.

On these statements by Jibreel wrote, economic analyst Ms. Sumayya Sayyid in the newspaper Alyawm Altali (the next day):

It is said that the Finance Minister is crying over the loss of foreign aid as a consequence of the measures taken by General Burhan on 25 October which he (Jibreel) has described as a coup, though he was one of the most important backers of that coup through his splinter group of the Forces For Freedom and Change  known as The National Charter Group, that led the sit-in at the gates of the state house (The Republican Palace), urging General Burhan to stage a coup and that is what the General did.

It is obvious that Finance Minister Jibreel wants to entreat the U.S and the international community to stand by the Sudanese people who now expect the worst of possibilities.

Jibreel was late in planning to rely on the country’s domestic resources.

He did not think about this approach until after the decision by the foreign donors to stop their aid as a result of the Burhan coup, though the foreign aid Jibreel is crying about was not that big for him to build the least  of economic possibilities on.

The halted US aid stands at $ 700 million, while the World Bank’s direct support (decided by the International Development Agency) for the budget is $500 million.

Here the Finance Minister has found enough justification for announcing an increase in the prices of commodities and services in the new budget. But he has completely forgotten that the dissolved government had completely removed the commodity subsidies and what he wants to do is actually a raising of price and taxes to cover the budget deficit ensuing from poor revenue.

The last of these price hikes was effected on the prices of fuel, a matter that caused a general and unprecedented price hike and the consequent, unexpected rise in inflation that reached 400 percent.

This has upset the public that expected better economic conditions after the revolution.

The policies of the government,  the  internal differences it has witnessed and its reliance on illusionary and unreal foreign support, have led the country into a big economic crisis difficult to overcome, even after the application of the worst of options of increasing prices and lifting the subsidy on wheat and electricity, a subsidy that, in reality, has never existed.

And even if the international community would respond to the pleas of the Minister and the government and the committed sums are disbursed, the economic crisis will stay and the citizen will continue to suffer as long as the government does not remember dependence on domestic resources and increasing production until when it is in need of a means (or a tactic) to cool down the public opinion, not as an agreed upon national economic program.

Leaks that Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok is about to tender his resignation, disgruntled upon what he reportedly said absence of national consensus on a number of issues, have drawn a lot of reporting.

The leaks said PM Hamdok had contacted several technocrats to join his new government who, one after the other, declined to do so with some of them outspokenly saying they would not work under the military.

Some other reports said Hamdok is adamant about the removal of  ministers belonging to the former Darfur rebel groups, in particular  Finance Minister Jibreel Ibrahim from his future cabinet.

Other reports said Hamdok is pressing for a return to the country’s constitution-the Constitutional Document- that clearly calls for a civilian to take over from General Burhan as head of state at the middle of the transitional period.

These reports say Hamdok is following a delay tactic in order for the military to swallow their coup and return to the Constitution.

On this issue of Hamdok’s resignation, wrote Dr. Mutasim Bukhari in the electronic publication Alrakooba (the shack):

Despite the miraculous successes Mr. Hamdok and his  civilian aides have scored at a very critical time that would not have permitted the resolution of a even just one of the country’s thorny issues, the remnants of the defunct regime (the Fulool) have collaborated with the ‘mean’ the ‘base’ and the sellers of their country for the Dollar, Dirham and Riyal to work their daggers of hatred in the body of the revolution.

These traitors have grappled to drive sticks in the Revolution’s wheels in a bid to stall it and defeat its project that aspires to put the Sudan on the road for progress and development.

  They did all what is possible and what is impossible to undermine the government in utter ugly satanic determination.

They have left out no single evil which they can hurl upon the face of the Revolution.

Amidst all this evil, Hamdok has  also found himself surrounded with a military in the Sovereignty Council that has continued to conspire against him day and night in a bid  to return the country to the age of darkness.

There is no wonder in this if we know that they are members of the security committee that protected  the deposed Bashir.

On the other hand, we had civilian forces prone to discord away from the national interests, putting their partisan interests, sometimes personal interests, at the forefront.

The Revolution and the revolutionaries exercise a purity and nobility unseen by mankind in its modern history. This has brought the revolution very close to attaining its objectives. That is why we have seen evil designs against it both at home and from abroad.

If Dr. Hamdok’s resignation becomes a reality, history would write that the country had wasted a great opportunity to win, due to shortsightedness and poor imagination.

History would condemn the semi-politicians who could not bear the heavy responsibility.

History would also heap curses on the sinister military whose allegiance is to circles outside the country.

If Hamdok would resign, the military coup would stretch itself in the vacuum thus created.

Here the fulool and the haters of the revolution would find what they have been looking for.  Unprecedented violence against the honorable protesters would take place.

We have already seen how the snipers of the so-called “shadow battalions” of the deposed regime exercise their malice in open day light, under the eyes of the coup leaders.

It is my hope that Hamdok would see that his departure at this critical time would lead Sudan into grave consequences for long  years.

He has to wash his hands from his agreement with the coup leaders, apologize for signing it and return to the embrace of the masses, the embrace that truly looks like him.

The masses have to welcome and back him with power with which he can face the malice of the coup leaders and the fulool.

I hope everybody would realize that the country would be the biggest loser if Hmdok would quit. Stop the catastrophe before it takes place and agree upon the minimum limit that saves the country from doom.



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