Erdogan: The Turkish Man Of Action Visits Khartoum
22 December, 2017
KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - History, like nature, has metamorphosis, a mutation producing better species. Nature gives life to new breeds; history gives birth to new leaders. One such example of history’s happy surprises in producing leaders in the Islamic world, in the eyes of ordinary Muslims far away from Turkey, appears to be President RecepTayyipErdoğan.
Erdogan, the son of an ordinary man in his country, climbed the helms of power from the bottom of the social echelon.
It was miraculous how, in the tumultuous world of politics and the pull and push between the Turkish powerful army and the civilians, between the permeating secularism in the joints of the civil service of his county and the prevailing Islamism in the society, Erdogan was able to strike the balance.
He was able to walk in the thin coral reef between the Islamic aspirations of the man in the street versus the secularism demands by the powerful bureaucracy and the business community that would not like to see the economic benefits of affiliating to Europe go away by Islamism calls.
In his tremendous efforts to steer the white dove to safe harbor, Erdogan, seems to be the one referred to by William Wordworth, in one his early odes, Ode on Intimations of Immortality:
As if his whole vocation
Were endless imitations
But for Erdogan, those setbacks and challenges were only an impetus for yet rebounding, it is the phoenix mythology in action. But to many lay men in the Islamic third world countries, they believe in the lofty ancestral saying that good will remain in the Muslim nation till doomsday.
For once in his own country the man was able to spur a national sense of pride, feeling for action and for contribution in the national economy, in maintaining democracy.
People cite the situation where hundreds of thousands of people will come out braving armored vehicles and tanks, soldiers armed to the teeth, to defend Erdogan and democracy.
Once again, he respected the constitution, see how he sent his own daughter to study abroad because a university law did not allow nigab (veiled women) to enter university class room.
He did not change the law to suit his daughter. He is working on how to make young generation one day decide for themselves this is what they want from their country, from their constitution. He is changing the people, and they will ultimately change the laws.
The economy speaks for him, not against him. Turkey is now, under Erdogan, one of the leading international economies of the world, with whooping GNP of over 857 billion dollars in 2016.
Still militarily it is one of the three leading powers within the NATO forces, with over 700 thousand troops.
The most recent event in the region, the declaration by president Donald Trump of the United States recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel, found a swift and decisive action from Erdogan, who as head of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), jumped into action. He called for an extraordinary summit on Jerusalem.
The summit was a master piece of diplomatic and political action. Some could argue that it saw a few heads of states coming to Istanbul in December 2017. But just for the sake of comparison, what action did the leaders of the Arab league take in comparison to Erdogan?
He showed he is a man of action.
For the Sudan, he received the Sudanese President twice, the last of which was in 2017. He first phoned President Bashir and then on the margin of the OIC summit, gave the President a special chapter, meeting him in a tee-a-tete at the Presidential Palace, to the chagrin of the ICC.
He was the highest official to pay a field visit to Darfur when he was prime minister. And now he is coming to the Sudan, once again proving he is a man of action.
When the Gulf crisis between Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain on the one hand and Qatar on the other hand broke, it was President Erdogan who provided the military and diplomatic back up that was the decisive element in the power balance there.
“The Turkish parliament in Ankara voted for sending Turkish force to Doha. It was in response to a demand by Erdogan that the parliament acted” wrote the Editor in Chief of the Daily Al Migahr of Friday the 22nd of December.
He showed he is once again a man of action.
Hindi Ezzidin, in his column: “My testimony for Allah’s Sake” said the convening of the OIC was but one of the concerns shown by Erdogan toward the challenges facing the Islamic, Arab and Middle East region.
His reactions and actions, he argued, have spurred higher his standing and rating among the popular milieus in the Muslim world from Indonesia in the far east to Morocco in the far west of the Islamic world.
“Welcome the president hero in Khartoum ReccepTayyib Erdogan in Khartoum the capital of the three famous NY’s (NY for recognition of Israel, nor for Negotiation and no for accord with Israel -1967), the Khartoum of dignity and pride” Hindi concluded his column.
Erdogan has shown that he is a man of action, in a breed of politicians and leaders where words are abundant, action is rare. He is a mutation that pleases many the ordinary folks, like his own father, in the region, both Muslims and Arab and underdogs in the world.
Welcome Mr President in Sudan.