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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - In high focus of the press writers last week were the following issues:

The exciting suggestion by journalist, women activist Ms. Amal Habbani, for her fellow females to seek bedfellows to spend the night with in case her polygamous husband goes to spend the night with his other wife.

The second issue was Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s initiative for a closing of ranks and for a unified decision-making in running the affairs of the country.

The third issue was the recent decision by deputy chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Hemaidti, upon the formation of a joint force from his Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the Army, the police and security to keep law and order in the country’s urban and rural areas, a move that triggered high public outrage.

About the first issue, Amal Habbani’s suggestion for a woman whose husband opts for polygamy to also seek a another man to sleep with when her husband goes to sleep with his new wife, wrote feminine activist and journalist Ms. Rasha Awad in the electronic publication Altaghyeer (Change):

My colleague and friend Amal Habbabi was not successful in the way she addressed the issue of polygamy in her controversial post for these reasons:

First : the women rights movement seeks to perpetuate the culture of monogamy as the most morally and humanely suitable for the complications of contemporary life. That is the fidelity of the husband to one wife and the faithfulness of a woman to a one husband. For the sake of  this culture, and on whose basis the status law can be reformed, it is imperative to convince the men that polygamy is bad for them as men, because it harms their children and sets the stability of their families and their society into jeopardy and subtracts from their psychological peace.

Amal’s post has portrayed polygamy as if it is a valuable treasure in the hands of men from which women are denied. And for that reason women should compete with men upon the issue of polygamy, under Amal’s sick and cheap idea of “resorting to a friend”, as she has put it.

The woman who does not accept polygamy has the right to seek a divorce and look for another husband, instead of becoming a mistress for one man and, at the same time, a wife of another from whom she does not want a divorce for fear for the future of her children and for fear from the stigma of the divorce- according to Amal’s post!! Can such an improper conduct protect the children? And can the woman regain her respect and keep her pride in this way? 

Second: the women cause and their noble struggle for their rights as humans is under a systematic attack and  wild campaigns aimed at bewildering the society from the  women movements as a threat to the family and a call for waywardness and, consequently, such socially provocative and ill-advised ideas as Amal’s are indeed very harmful to the women cause and provide the enemies of the women liberation an invaluable service for free

Third: The religion-related family and social issues require deep discussion away from euphoria and slogans that invite the enmity of the pious society and prompts it to rally against change. An instance of this are  Amal’s expressions that “religion is siding with men” and “giving a sacred cover for polygamy”  .

As a matter of fact, religion is not biased to men, but there is a masculine culture across human societies of different religions and races. This masculine culture is biased to men. Accordingly it is this unjust culture which exploited religion to discriminate against women. 

There are enlightened intellectual religious currents that lean towards equality between men and women on the basis that justice and maintaining the dignity of human (both men and women) is in the essence of religion.

Fourth:  Amal has questioned the position of women activists who criticized her idea and considered this ignorance on their part. This is very strange indeed, because the criteria for awareness and knowledge is not to clap for any nonsense that claims to side with women, even if what is said is absurd and not worth the ink in which it is written.

The real enlightenment is change within the existing cultural and social context towards alignment with the women rights in a vision that criticizes hard line religious thought and fights progress-impeding customs and traditions.

About the initiative by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok for the closing of ranks, unifying the mechanisms of decision-making and  reforming the military, the security and the judiciary, wrote Dr. Mu’tasim Bukhari in the electronic publication Alrakooba (the Shack) under the title ”Hamdok’s Stepping Aside!): 

The Prime Minister usually works in silence. never speaks unless it is necessary to. It seems his recent speech to the nation was a result of what he knows for sure and his feeling about what he called the “fracturing” and quarreling among the political groups and the stupid designing our country has been plagued with since its independence.

Hamdok’s words are a cry in an empty desert, directed  to a directionless semblance of politicians. The condition of these politicians is similar to that of a group of people inside a vessel sailing in rough seas and instead of standing behind the captain until they reach safety, one of them tears the sail, the other pulls out the rudder and another makes a hole in the ship for all of them to sink in a comedy-like scene.

It is as if the Revolution has brought about all imbeciles of the city after it got rid of its vile trash represented in the deposed regime.

Mr. Hamdok has sent clear messages in his address.

The first message was directed towards what is called the political power-base of the government which is now in a state of disperse. He was clear and direct in holding them responsible and reminding them of their responsibility.

The second message was in the military’s mailbox. He was brave in facing them with the bare truth that they were “intentionally“ impeding the realization of the Revolution’s objectives and dreams. ..and that  lawlessness on the military was unacceptable and that the country would not be stabilized in the presence to tens of militarized factions and gangs.

His third message was directed to the armed movements that rode the tide of the Revolution after the Revolution had succeeded, claiming that they had exhausted the deposed regime, a matter that hastened its downfall. That is a hoax no body can believe. All of those armed movements, save just a few, had taken part in the deposed regime with all its sins.
The last message was directed to the youth of the country whose role was pivotal in finishing with that regime of lies and despots. Hamdok’s call to the youth is that: Come on to success. This is your revolution, your achievement that marveled the World.

The writer has expected this to be the last address the honorable Prime Minister would give as a leader of the transitional period. “He had given the political forces a month to respond and amend this bad  situation. I am dead sure that his next address –if things are not put right and the will powers do not go up – would be a stepping down. At that time everybody will learn what a man they had lost and at that time sorrow will not do them any good. 

About the recent decision by the deputy chairman of the Sovereignty Council, commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Mohammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemaidti) to launch a joint force comprising personnel from the RSF, the Army, the armed rebel groups, the police, the General Intelligence to check acts of lawlessness in Khartoum and the regions, wrote Ms. Sabah Mohammad Alhassan in the daily journal Aljareeda (the Newspaper): 

By that decision Hemaidti has made a dangerous jump to stifle the role of the Sudanese Police Force which is supposed to be the authorized entity to maintain the law and protect the security and safety of the citizens. By issuing that order, Hemaidti is seeking to impose his will on the country’s security with his troops which are still no more than undisciplined militia, lacking in experience and without knowledge of the professional morality,

Where was Hemaidti when cases of lawlessness increased while he sat on the seat of a spectator? Or was he waiting for his plan (A) to create lawlessness, pave the way for it and loosen the reins on the gangs and militias in Darfur and other states and Khartoum enters a security vacuum for his plan (B) to come forth when muscles are flexed and bragging about the force which does not submit to the law of the military institution that will restore security becomes the norm. What is that security Hemaidti is talking about while his forces are the biggest threat to security by the horror and panic they are creating among the civilians? The civilians whom the Hemaidti forces arrest inside their homes and take them to their detention centers where they undergo all sorts of violence and torture on the journey towards death. How can a sane citizen make sure about his security and the security of his family in the presence of troops who lack training, wisdom and a professional doctrine, forces which do not know the rules and the conduct of peaceful living?

Hemaidti who refused to integrate his troops in the Army saying: ”The integration will break up the country” is sending a clear message into the mailbox of General Burhan, who one day later said “the integration of the SRF will take place in a manner different and has no relation to the integration of the other forces” and that the SRF functions under his (Burhan’s) command.

This “under his command” is the biggest lie in which Burhan wants to deceive the people. He knows that when he was Chairman of the Military Council he had cancelled an article stipulating the merger of the SRF in the Army “whenever the President of the Republic chooses to.” Burhan deleted this expression just before the signing of the Constitutional Document with the political forces and the Revolution forces. It is this that causes Hemaidti to feel strong and reject the merger of the SRF now that Burhan had deleted this article, for reasons he knows.

Burhan is forgetting that the expansion of the SRF and such other decisions weaken him and weaken the Army. This latest decision could be a prelude to upcoming scenarios the Prime Minister has sensed and appeared in his recent address as a clear warning from possible chaos that may occur. 
We have always been warning the Police not to drag its feet a matter which could create loopholes from which Hemaidti could come onto the scene. There should be a decision that restores the dignity of the Police, to be accompanied with a decision reinstating the police officers and non-commissioned officers and soldiers dismissed from service by the deposed regime and provide support and training for the police personnel in order for them to be able to keep the security of the country.

E N D By that decision Hemaidti has made a dangerous jump to stifle the role of the Sudanese Police Force which is supposed to be the authorized entity to maintain the law and protect the security and safety of the citizens. By issuing that order, Hemaidti is seeking to impose his will on the country’s security with his troops which are still no more than undisciplined militia, lacking in experience and without knowledge of the professional ethics.

Where was Hemaidti when cases of lawlessness increased while he sat on the seat of a spectator? Or was he waiting for his plan (A) to create lawlessness, pave the way for it and loosen the reins on the gangs and militias in Darfur and other states and Khartoum enters a security vacuum for his plan (B) to come forth when muscles are flexed and bragging about the force which does not submit to the law of the military institution that will restore security becomes the norm. What is that security Hemaidti is talking about while his forces are the biggest threat to security by the horror and panic they are creating among the civilians? The civilians whom the Hemaidti forces arrest inside their homes and take them to their detention centers where they undergo all sorts of violence and torture on the journey towards death. How can a sane citizen make sure about his security and the security of his family in the presence of troops who lack training, wisdom and a professional doctrine, forces which do not know the rules and the conduct of peaceful living?

Hemaidti who refused to integrate his troops in the Army saying: ”The integration will break up the country” is sending a clear message into the mailbox of General Burhan, who one day later said “the integration of the SRF will take place in a manner different and has no relation to the integration of the other forces” and that the SRF functions under his (Burhan’s) command.

This “under his command” is the biggest lie in which Burhan wants to deceive the people. He knows that when he was Chairman of the Military Council he had cancelled an article stipulating the merger of the SRF in the Army “whenever the President of the Republic chooses to.” Burhan deleted this expression just before the signing of the Constitutional Document with the political forces and the Revolution forces. It is this that causes Hemaidti to feel strong and reject the merger of the SRF now that Burhan had deleted this article, for reasons he knows.

Burhan is forgetting that the expansion of the SRF and such other decisions weaken him and weaken the Army. This latest decision could be a prelude to upcoming scenarios the Prime Minister has sensed and appeared in his recent address as a clear warning from possible chaos that may occur. 

We have always been warning the Police not to drag its feet a matter which could create loopholes from which Hemaidti could come onto the scene. There should be a decision that restores the dignity of the Police, to be accompanied with a decision reinstating the police officers and non-commissioned officers and soldiers dismissed from service by the deposed regime and provide support and training for the police personnel in order for them to be able to keep the security of the country.

E N D 


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