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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The Editor’s picks from the week’s press columns and commentaries are articles discussing: The mass processions commemorating the anniversary of the break out of the December Revolution in 2018, the call to support the existing government of Dr. Abdalla Hamdok and the bloody clashes in West Kordofan district and in some parts of Darfur.


On the mass processions commemorating the third anniversary of the start of the December Revolution, wrote Mr. Tahir Almu’tasim in the newspaper Alsudani Aldawliyya (the Sudanese International): 

It is clear we are about a hot December this year, not because of the rising temperature, but because of the several ongoing mass processions to protest and condemn the “Political Agreement”, signed between Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Burhan and Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, and Burhan’s controversial decisions following his military coup on 25 October.

The political forces that back the Revolution and support this revolutionary escalation have also to seek political solutions through negotiations with their  foes. That is because complete reliance on the demonstrations to attain political gains is an incorrect situation.

There is no argument about the demand for a government of independent technocrats, if this government is completely independent even from the parties to the peace agreement. It should also be free from the domination of the military component in the Sovereignty Council (the head of state), which, experiment had shown,  was the most effective in this council even in the presence of members from the peace agreement in it.

It is imperative to create a state of confidence and transparency because the ongoing attempts to boost the “Political Agreement” away from the forces of the revolution will set this Agreement into controversies and hinder its implementation. What happened when some civilian leaderships were banned from travel abroad and the attempt to forge new resistance committees is fruitless and will not stop the masses from taking to the streets.

Instead of forming an appointed parliament, why don’t we begin with a constitutional conference after the formation of the constitution commission, a  commission that should be made  from independent national figures who enjoy relative consensus.

This constitutional conference can ease the tension on the political scene that occurred after the 25 October coup.

The writer then concludes his article, saying: “Listen to the voices of these youths. That would be good for you.”

Mr. Mu’tasimum Alagra’a writes in the electronic publication Altaghyeer (Change):

The People of Sudan are subject of a conspicuous blackmailing. The hijackers of the state openly threaten the people and demand from them to yield to the wishes of those hijackers. The warning raised by these hijackers is that if they (the people) continue to ask for a real civilian state, the country would descend into a totally destructive civil war that turns Khartoum into a deserted land roamed by cats.

Sadly, this blackmailing is made by groups of intellectuals and civilian politicians either in good faith or for a clandestine interest. This blackmailing is being marketed to the international community to persuade it to support the current situation, instead of pressing for a real civilian state and popular legitimacy, both of which are mandatory conditions for good governance and stability.

Unfortunately, under this blackmailing, the objective of creating a real civilian state is turned into the provision of a deceptive civilian mask that gives military and militia rule  undeserved world acceptance and relieves the international community from embarrassment and, hence, the Sudan is controlled by the force of the ammunition box.

Decades back, experts had concluded that the worst thing that could
happen is to succumb to blackmailing, because it simply means the encouragement of the blackmailer and other possible blackmailers to attain what they want. The history book tells us that because in some cases kidnappers had obtained the ransoms they asked for, blackmailing multiplied and also kidnappings.

But when Britain under the leadership of Mrs. Margret Thatcher and the U.S under Donald Reagan refused to pay ransoms to the kidnappers of some of their citizens and the kidnappers made sure of this, the kidnappings receded, because they proved useless and also because entailed criminal punishment.
And although this policy had lead to the liquidation of some victims at the first stage, it very soon caused kidnappings to recede until they are about to disappear totally now.

For that, the Sudanese people’s  yielding to blackmailing simply means it will continue to live under the power of blackmailing for a long time, because the culprits will not cease to threaten with it anytime they want to do something ugly the people do not want. 

Now the question: Do some intellectuals and politicians want us to live with a gun pointing to our heart? Is that what they want?

In short, the call for the acceptance of blackmailing because it is a reasonable and wise solution is a fallacy, because real reasoning and wisdom mean the adoption of ideas and attitudes that end blackmailing, instead of rewarding it.   

Under the title: “Burhan directs Burhan", wrote columnist, Mr. Haydar Almikashfi, in the daily journal Aljareeda (the Newspaper) on the mayhem in Darfur:

One of the strange news that came through was that the Sovereignty Council had issued a directive for more security controls on the situation in areas that saw cases of belligerency in the States of Kordofan and Darfur.
The directive did not carry an address, nor was it directed to any specific entity.

It appears from this strange directive as if Burhan, the chairman of the Sovereignty Council, was directing Burhan, the Army commander, the person responsible for all the other security forces. For nobody is meant by such a directive for enforcing law and order and reigning in lawlessness other than the regular forces.

In addition, this directive, so defective as it is, has come very late and far behind the progress of the bloody, sorrowful events that took the lives of tens and in which tens of others were hurt and also with properties  destroyed and houses burnt down.

Since last Saturday, violence has broken out in the Kerainig IDP camp East of the town of Algenaina, Capital of West Darfur State. The situation is still very  dangerous and billed for more violence and arson.

Despite this tragic, bloody event no security body had moved to contain it, neither at the regional or the central level, other than this unbaked directive that came out from the Sovereignty Council and the tweets of the Region’s Governor, Mr. Minnawi, on the social media and his verbal speeches inside the government offices after he arrived in the City of Nyala.

Even these had come too late… after the Kerainig destruction. The same applies to the bloody events that took place in the states of West and South Kordofan, in the areas of Annuhood and Abujebaiha, respectively.

Sirs in the Sovereignty Council..It is a shame that you issue such a gelatinous, airy directive while your boss, who appointed you after his military coup, stays among you in fact chairing that very meeting of yours that made the directive.

He, in addition to that, is the first responsible for the country’s security, together with your fellow military leaderships in the Sovereignty Council..
Putting security in place and checking the wide lawlessness would not require from you to issue this shy directive. It deserves from you to have issued a strong reprimand to the security leaderships for failing to carry on with their security responsibility.

But from where can you have this courage and the Darfuri adage says: “A snake with a grasshopper in its mouth cannot bite!” Can you bite the hand that elevated you to this position in the Sovereignty Council?

As for Mr. Burhan, the first responsible for the security of the country, he should not have waited for a directive. The first responsible should give orders and take decisions, not to direct or ask for something to be done, in particular in a situation like this where delay and waiting for directives are impermissible.



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