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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The editor has chosen three editorials tackling some of the week’s most outstanding developments.

The first article has tackled the Foreign Ministry’s reaction to the statement by the Troika countries (the U.S, Britain and Norway) in which they condemned the activity of the Russian (Putin-related) Wagner forces in the dissemination of fake news in Sudan and their unlawful mining of gold in the country.

The second article has tackled the protesters’ change of tactics in the face of the coup, represented in the barricading of most roads in Khartoum, the Capital of the  country, and the unjustified criticism this move has received from the enemies of the revolution.

The third article has tackled the visit by deputy chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Mohammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemaidti) to the Red Sea coastal areas, a visit that raised many questions and suspicions about its real objectives.



Mr. Ashraf Abdelaziz, Editor of the daily journal Aljareeda (The Newspaper) has commented on the Foreign Ministry’s reaction to the criticism leveled by the Troika countries (the U.S, Britain and Norway) against the activity of the Wagner forces in Sudan.

In a statement, the ambassadors of the three countries have said “The Russian contractor Wagner Group is engaged in illicit activities that undermine the rule of law in Sudan.”

“In Sudan, the Wagner Group, a Private Military Company closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, spreads disinformation on the social media and engages in illicit activities connected to gold-mining. The Wagner Group activities undermine the good governance and respect for rule of law that the Sudanese people have been fighting for since the (2018-2019) revolution,” the statement said.

For its part, the Sudan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reacted to this Troika statement saying the statement of the three ambassadors is "a blatant interference in Sudan's domestic affairs."

It said the three envoys are trying to drag Sudan into the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine.

The statement has condemned what it called the Troika’s allegations about the presence of the Russian private security company Wagner in Sudan to carry out military training, mining and other illegal activities as false accusations.   “This is what the Government of Sudan would like to totally deny,” the Ministry has said.

On this Sudan-Troika confrontation Wrote Mr. Abdelaziz:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has hastened to accuse the Troika ambassadors of intervening in the internal affairs of Sudan, all against the laws governing diplomatic activity. It has also denied reports about unlawful activity by the Wagner group in Sudan.

OK! So where is the problem? The entire people of the Sudan know what this Wagner is and what are its activities in the Sudan. The nearby Libya can show a lot about this Wagner. The matter does not need much investigation. In addition, all the people of Sudan know with whom Wagner is cooperating.

What the Troika ambassadors have said in that the activity of Wagner undermines good governance and respect of the law for which the Sudanese people have been struggling is true. 

More correct is the Troika statement that the economic crisis in Sudan is partly due to internal factors, but what Russia is doing on the other side of the World makes this economic crisis more difficult. 

Since the Russian invasion of the Ukraine benzene and also bread prices have increased too much in Sudan.

The World Food Programme is expecting nearly half of the people of Sudan to face starvation this year (double the number in the previous year).

In return, the prices of other commodities continue to increase following any hikes effected by the authorities on fuel prices.

And in spite of that, the government does not want the ambassadors of Western countries to warn the Sudanese against the gravity of the Wagner activity and the problems this group can bring about on the Sudanese citizen.

Ironically, the Foreign Ministry did not protest the hijacking of its jurisdictions by the Sovereignty Council (the coup perpetrators), nor Hemaiti’s negligence of its advice to him not to visit Russia, a visit that coincided with the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war.

And here the Ministry is staunchly defending the Wagner group and considering the Troika ambassadors comment about Wagner an interference in the domestic affairs of the country, as though Wagner had entered and expanded into Sudan according to the country’s laws.

Moscow itself does not recognize the Wagner activity. If so, what can prevent the Troika countries ambassadors from talking about this Wagner?

And if the Foreign Ministry has a say, it should get back its jurisdictions from the Sovereignty Council and return to its duty of serving the interests of the country, not those of individuals.



On the protesters’ four consecutive days of demonstrations in the neighborhoods and the barricading of roads, ending Thursday by a massive march towards the state house (the Republican Palace), wrote Mr. Jamal Alsiddiq in the electronic publication Sudanile:

The Islamists have thought they have succeeded in their evil design to topple the civilian government via a coup carried out by Burhan and his clique that buried down the high-level committee investigating their financial crimes and that also fixed a date for elections under the coup regime despite deteriorating economic situation.

Under these circumstances, the Islamists and their military mercenaries have thought that the revolution has lost its glamour. And so did other people until when Allah, the Almighty, helped us with a new vision that noticed the laxity in revolutionary action because the activists were contented with marches here and there.

Our revolutionary sons and daughters have given it another thought and reinvigorated their productive and positive tools of the revolution represented in the return to road blocks as a leading tool in the struggle against the coup.

By the result a complete lockdown of the roads was put into effect on Tuesday and Wednesday (22nd and 23rd of March) from dawn to dusk.

And once the complete barricading of the roads came into effect, the spirit of the revolution was restored and the people felt this spirit within their hearts which were broken by the snipe -killing of the youthful protesters in the traditional marches to the state house.

The move (the barricading of roads) was opportune in that it was made against the backdrop of the complete economic failure of the military junta, its allies in the traitorous rebel movements and the ill-designing remnants of the ousted regime.   

The movement for the complete barricading of roads that engulfed the Capital Khartoum today has created a revolutionary warm up the people had missed during the usual demonstrations in which the marchers were killed, robbed or raped.

This effective revolutionary action (the road barricading) has returned panic and fear to the hearts of the remnants of the ousted regime and, so, they started to heap insults upon the protesters and blame them for what they call the undermining of the interests of the citizens.

They do and say so while we remember they had used to back the action of tribal leader Tirik who barricaded the Red Sea ports and their leading roads in a bid to topple the civilian government, paving the way for this Burhan coup. That Tirik move had blocked all the imports and exports of Sudan, causing a lot of public suffering and economic hardship for the citizens of Sudan.

Today’s road barricades have caused a complete abortion of the Islamists ambitions and have achieved what we could not do through the usual demonstrations.

The people have felt the glowing flame of the revolution once again. And by the barricading of roads we have preserved the lives of our sons and daughters, the protesters from the brutality of the security.

By these barricades we have managed to avoid the incidents of looting and robberies the citizens had used to suffer during the usual mass demonstrations. These crimes had used to occur despite the security’s announcements it would protect the marches.

These barricades also portend the demise of the military rule after which we can declare a complete elimination of the remnants of the deposed regime, preventing

their return to power, and guaranteeing their punishment and the restoration of the nation’s riches, good health and wellbeing.



Deputy Chairman of the Sovereignty Council (Head of State), Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), General Mohammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemaidti) early in the week paid a visit to the Red Sea District that raised a lot of eyebrows in that area and here in Khartoum.

Speculations at the time said the man’s visit heralds the beginning of the sale of Red Sea Ports to Abu Dhabi authorities who always cherished the dream to control those sea facilities.

Hemaidt has hastened to deny these reports, saying his visit (received with protests in the region) was meant to solve problems and revive the ports’ work.

On this issue wrote Mr. Aamir Mohammad Salih in the electronic publication Alrakoba (the Shack):

Despite Hemasdti’s statement that his visit to the Red Sea District was to get first hand information about the sea ports’ problems and work impediments in order to solve them for better flow of imports and exports, yet that was not enough to soothe the fears about the privatization of the ports.

The fears were justified in that they emerged on the heels of a visit to the United Arab Emirates by Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Burhan, in which the hosts said they conceive a plan for a partnership in the Sudanese sea ports.

Hemaidt’s decisions to organize work in the Port Sudan Harbour, including the cancellation of the Saturday weekly holiday for more workdays in the Port, has added to those fears, simply because these directives could have been taken by the port officials or from the central government without the need for such a high- ranking person like Hemaidt to do so.

It could have also been logical if decisions were taken to repair and increase the cranes or the revision of freight tariffs.

Instead, the man concentrated on meetings with tribal administrations, harping upon the failure of the deposed civilian government and the deteriorating living conditions of the citizens, forgetting his own role and that of his military colleagues in what has happened and the failure that still goes on in politics, the economy and security.

While the revolutionary resistance committees in Port Sudan have rejected the visit, barricaded all the city’s roads and staged protests against it, the tribal leaderships have received the man with all sorts of hospitality and honors, amid hostile shouts from a number of persons opposed to the visit in the towns of Sinkat and Port Sudan.


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