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"A Handful Of Dates" Wins Award At Arizona International Film Festival

TUCSON, ARIZONA, US (Sudanow) - The Sudanese short film "A Handful of Dates" has won the Jury Award for Creative Achievement of the 2021 Arizona International Film Festival, the United States (April 14-25).

“A Handful of Dates” was produced by filmmaker Mamdooh Salih and directed by filmmaker Hashim Hassan.

The film has previously won two international awards; an Award of Excellence at the Best Shorts Film Festival Competitions organized on December 2020.

The Best Shorts Film Competition is an international awards competition that honors “film, television, videography, and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change.”

The second is the Silver Gate Award from the Digital Gate International Film Festival in Algeria (October 2020).

The film also has been nominated for Best Short Film at the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles.

Produced by the Sudan Film Factory, the film is an adaptation of a story written by the Sudanese renowned writer Altayeb Salih in 1957 carrying the same title.

Starred by Abdalla Juknoun, late actor Abdulhakim Al Tahir and the boy Diab Abdulnasir, A Handful of Dates is set in a mythical Northern Sudanese village between the desert and the Nile. The Story features a young boy, Meheimeed, enjoys an idyllic childhood, taking pleasure in the fruits of the fertile land, and basking by the river. 

The only thing greater than his love for village life is his reverence for his grandfather, Hajj Ahmed, a highly respected elder and prominent landowner in the village.

But the boy's precious world begins to unravel when he learns the painful truth behind his grandfather's fortune.

The film highlighted the complexity of identity, tradition, authority figures, and cross-generational relationships.

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