
Brothers’ Emotional Bond For Ever

Brothers’ Emotional Bond For Ever


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - Blood relation is usually one of the strongest human relations. But blood relation alone is not enough to maintain emotional bond, especially the type of emotional bond related in this story.

Hassan Ali and Mohamed Ali were full-brothers of the same parents. Their story is one of a blood relation that was cemented by strong emotional bond throughout their life ever since childhood until death.


Mr. Alhaj Ahmed Alsiddiq Alhaj, who was common friend of both brothers from childhood up to their last moments, told Sudanow that both brothers, Hassan Ali and Mohamed Ali, were born and raised in the same neighborhood where he was born and raised. Their father was a well-off businessman.

Alhaj stated that it was noticed, since very early age, that there existed an unusually strong emotional bond between the two brothers. They were often seen holding each other’s hands while walking on street. They also used to share with each other whatever food items they had. Their sense of care and love for each other was well-known and usually watched with bewilderment within the district.

Both brothers stopped regular learning at pre-elementary (Khalwa) level, and opted to join their father’s business in Khartoum and Port Sudan. When Mohamed Ali married a relative, his brother Hassan soon got married to her sister. Then Hassan moved to Port Sudan to run his father’s business there, while Mohammed stayed in Khartoum.

As years passed on, the brothers grew older but their emotional bond remains as strong as ever. Mohamed had three boys and two girls, while Hassan had three girls and two boys out of their marriage relations.

Strangely enough Mohamed’s boys got married to Hassan’s three girls while Hassan’s boys got married to Mohamed’s two girls. More strangely was that the two daughters of Mohamed graduated as physician and pharmacist, while the two boys of Hassan graduated in the same specializations. The physician brother married the pharmacist sister while the physician sister married the pharmacist brother.

One day, Hassan fell sick and was brought to Khartoum for treatment where he was admitted in Soba hospital. He remained in hospital for more than three months. All through this period Mohamed Ali, in spite of his old age, stayed night and day beside his sick brother’s bed.

When Hassan was discharged from hospital Mohamed made a large feast and invited all friends and district residents to share his joy of Hassan’s recovery. Everyone was happy for the brothers.

But unfortunately Hassan had a relapse the following evening and was taken hastily to emergency ward where he was pronounced dead. It was decided that Hassan would be buried in Khartoum, and funeral proceedings were arranged accordingly.

In the midst of funeral proceedings Mohamed felt a sharp piercing pain in his chest. So he told his son-in-law, the pharmacist who was Hassan’s son, to take him quietly home as he did not want to interrupt his brother’s burial proceedings. The son in law complied, but when he reached home he was surprised to find out that his uncle and father-in-law had already passed away. He informed his wife, Mohamed’s daughter, and asked her to help him remove the body of her dead father from the car to a nearby room. He also told her not to convey the news to anybody until the funeral proceedings of her uncle and father-in-law Hassan, were over.

Then, he went back to the cemetery to attend the final moments of funeral proceedings and break the news of his uncle’s sudden death to the gathering.

In less than one hour Mohamed Ali was buried beside his brother Hassan. Almost everybody at the funeral commented that they had been closely-bonded brothers in both life and death.

A morning paper allotted one full page for the double-death news with two big photos of the two brothers joining hands. Theirs was related by the reporting journalist as striking story of emotional brotherly bond in life and death.        




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