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Sudanese Faculty Of Medicine Among Ten Best Faculties In Social Accountability

Sudanese Faculty Of Medicine Among Ten Best Faculties In Social Accountability

The Faculty of Medicine, Gezira University

MEDANI (Sudanow) - The Faculty of Medicine, Gezira University, has been selected among the best 10
medicine colleges worldwide in the field of social accountability.

The Faculty’s experiment was presented to the annual conference of the International Network Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) which was held virtually July 20th – 23rd, 2021. The host was the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

The theme of TUFH 2021 was Enhancing Interprofessional Collaboration and Learning for Strengthening Primary Health Care.

Dean Faculty, Dr. Wai’l Nuri, has said the selection of the ten medicine faculties was made after an assessment and check up that covered tens of medicine faculties the World over through the Institutional Self-Assessment Social Accountability Tool (ISAT) that collectively adopted by the TUFH, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO),Training and Equality Net "THEnet " and the Global rally of Social Accountability "GOSA".

The responding faculties had to answer queries on many items including the students, lecturers, curriculum, scientific research, partnerships, stakeholders and the social effect.

In addition, every faculty had to present a self-assessment and its required proves and evidences.

The Gezira University was launched in 1975 with a view to serving the society and linking education to the requirements of development, making this education more connected to the realities of the community and the needs of the humans and the environment.

The University had earlier won a number of awards, including the 2002 prize of the Saudi Arabia- based Islamic Development Bank’s prize for science and technology as the best university in social accountability in the Arab and Islamic worlds, out of 57 contending universities from the member countries of the Islamic Conference Organization.

It had also won the prize of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development for agricultural creativity for the year 2008 .

The University’s Faculty of Medicine had won in 2002 the prize of Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayid Al-Maktoom for medical sciences as the best faculty of medicine in the Arab World.

A socially accountable medical school is one that directs its education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community it serves and verifying its impact on the community.

In an earlier report on one of its social accountability assessments, the Faculty said “We reviewed the literature, faculty documents and reports and used both the World Health Organization social accountability grid and the conceptualization-production-usability model as frameworks for analysis. In most of the domains and phases of the social accountability grid, the faculty's educational programme was found to be well-planned and well-implemented, demonstrating an impact on the community and active participation in health-system development in the local area.



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