
Amir Taj Al-Sir New Novel Launched

Amir Taj Al-Sir New Novel Launched

TRIPOLI, Lebanon (Sudanow) – A celebration was recently organized at the Lebanese city of Tripoli to mark the launching of Juzu Mulim min Hikaya (Arabic for: A Painful Part of a Tale) the most recent novel by world renown Sudanese story teller, Amir Taj Al-Sir.

The writer Ms. Douha Almul described the celebration, organized by Beirut Cultural League and attended by many writers and intellectuals, as valuable given Taj Al-Sir contribution in presenting to the audience in the Arab world and the world at large "Sudan’s art of writing and environment and realities of which we were not aware previously”.

Dr. Wafaa Shaarani stressed that Taj Al-Sir’s writing is a sort of don quixotism realism (in reference to the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes) where he recalls myths and folktales of the past to unveil the relation between the novel and how he perceives life and the world. The novel “A Painful Part of a Tale” highlights several philosophical questions that relate to human life and for which he seeks answers via the various themes, including love, evil and myth. However, he keeps his distance from being a historian that relates past events and stories, she added.

The novel relates the story of a murderer molded in a fantasia characterized with excitement and cinematic techniques of cutaway and flashback.

Taj Al-Sir told Sudanow that he has been dreaming of writing this story over a long period with its strange violent worlds, psychopathic characters and its occurrence in a place that has its own features and laws irrelevant to any old or current resemblance. The setting of the events of the story takes place in the 17th century.

Critic Aamir Mohamed Ahmed said Taj Al-Sir has the ability to use historical structure to form a new substance as he is an excellent novelist and observer of current major changes in the world as well as being bestowed with a memory that retains philosophical and offbeat events from which he extracts the historical and human heritage. “Therefore, this novel can be a launching of what could be called ‘trans-time and trans-place writing”.

Critic Mujzoub Aidaroos said Taj Al-Sir has spearheaded a new style of novel writing starting with his novel “Mahar Alsiah” where he depends on historical reference books. The same is said about his other novels that placed him on a distinguished status within the Arab narratives.

“His wining of Katara prize and being selected in the short list in Booker Prize for Arabic novels more than once is natural fruit of his patience and continuous efforts to develop his skills of writing which became his fundamental raison d’être. As a result he has acquired the ability of experimentation, a fact well proved by his most recent novel Part of a Painful Tale,” Aidaroos said.

But to critic Dr. Ezz Eddin Mirghani Amir stands out as the most prolific among Sudanese and Arab novelists.

 “Amir gains more experience every now and then. His characters and themes are diverse and unique, ever since his first novel down to this last one. In addition, he developed his own special style, quite different from any other writer. May be he was influenced by the Colombian Novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez in his flowing language and his sarcastic presentation of his characters. Arabic, which is rich with wonderful similes and metaphors, has helped him a good deal in describing his characters. May be what distinguishes Amir from his contemporary Sudanese and Arab counterparts, is his ability to pick the unusual character from the society, a character that despite its simplicity and causality, does not look like the others and nobody can notice it, let alone write an entire novel about it, as does Amir Taj Alsir", said Mirghani.

The novel ‘A Painful Part of a Tale’ was published by the Lebanese Beirut-based Hashit Antwan in 328 pages.




  1. Salah Mohamed El Hassan

    Thanks for the valuable information. We hope to see the new Novel soon in Khartoum

  2. Seifeldin Hassan Babiker

    YIt can easily be seen that Amir Taj Alsir , had often dipped more or less deeply into quite reputable philosophic novels ,raizing philosophical argumentation, need this be the philosophic point of his novels. As a reader, I understand that the philosophic positions found in Amir's novels are not by accident, nor are they disconnected from their literary values, but that within the forms of literature Amir had achieved while he was aquiring knowledge from different parts of the world. In short, Amir, is a novelist of great merit, and his novels may be read with profit of works of philosophy. Seifeldin Hassan Babiker.Sèi

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