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Final communiqué of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)

 Final communiqué of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government

- By Sudanow

Addis Ababa, November 2010- (Sudanow) - IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government held its 16thExtra-Ordinary Summit in Addis Ababa, on 23 November 2010, under the Chairmanshipof H.E. Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic ofEthiopia and Chairperson of IGAD to consider the progress on the implementationof the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in the Sudan .


The Assembly also hadon its agenda an update on the situation in Somalia. The Assembly also wasattended by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E. Omar Hassan Ahmed El Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan, H.E. Ismael Omar Gulleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya and Chairperson of the IGAD Sub Committee onSudan, H.E. Yusuf Hassan Ibrahim, representing the President of the TransitionalFederal Government (TFG) of Somalia and Eng. Mahboub M. Maalim, ExecutiveSecretary of IGAD .

- The Assembly was addressed by H.E. Prime MinisterMeles Zenawi and H.E. President Mwai Kibaki .

- The Assembly received a report from H.E. HailemariamDesalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and currentChairperson of the IGAD Council of Ministers, on the proceedings of the 38thExtraordinary Session of the IGAD Council .


-The Assembly was briefed on the implementation ofthe CPA by H.E. Omar Hassan Ahmed El Bashir, President of the Republic of theSudan; H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Government of SouthernSudan and Chairperson of the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement (SPLM) ; H.E. Jean Ping, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; H.E. Thabo Mbeki, Chairperson of the AU High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP); Sir DerekPlumbly, Chairperson of the Assessment and Evaluation Commission (AEC); andH.E.Haile Menkerios, UN Secretary-General's Special Representative to Sudan .


- The Assembly also received an update on Somalia fromH.E. Yusuf Hassan Ibrahim and Hon. Kipruto Arap Kirwa, IGAD Facilitator forSomalia Peace and National Reconciliation .

- On Sudan : After extensive deliberations on theprogress of the implementation of the CPA in theSudan, The Assembly .


1. Takesnote that this summit comes at a critical juncture in Sudan's history as anation, just less than two moths before the referendum on self-determination forthe people of Southern Sudan, and a few days after the start of registration ofvoters for that referendum. This represents a significant milestone in theimplementation of the CPA, negotiated and agreed under the auspices of IGAD inJanuary 2005 .

2. Reiterates the commitment of IGAD member Statesnot only to continue their support for the full implementation of the CPA butalso to support the Sudan during the post referendum period for the sake ofpeace, stability and democracy. In this respect, the Assembly recalls itslongstanding friendship and solidarity with the Sudan and its people and affirmsits full confidence in the leadership of President Omar Hassan El Bashir andGen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, Chairperson of SPLM, to lead Sudan into a new era ofpeace, irrespective of whether the people of Southern Sudan choose unity orsecession .


3. Commends the efforts of the AUHIP, comprising ofPresident Thabo Mbeki, as Chairperson, President Abdulsalami Abubakar andPresident Pierre Buyoya, in facilitating the Parties' agreements on theimplementation of outstanding issues in the CPA and Post-ReferendumArrangements. The summit was particularly encouraged by the parties' commitmentin achieving in the event of the secession of southern Sudan, two viable States, living as peaceful and cooperative neighbors that maintain common security aswell as "soft border" between the North and South that forges cooperationwithout disruption to the livelihoods of the people. The Summit expressed itsreadiness to support the efforts of AUHIP by all means possible .

4. Welcomes the dedication of the Parties to resolvethe outstanding issues in particular Abyei and called upon the parties toapproach the next round of negotiations with a spirit of compromise cognizant ofthe need to guarantee the rights and livelihoods of the affected people .

5.Welcomes the commitment of the Sudanese Partiesto the timely and credible conduct of free and fair referendum and the respectfor its outcome; and Notes in particular the commitment by the parties to neverreturn to war but instead to seek peaceful resolution of issues that may dividethem. The Summit emphasized that political tensions be managed within the limitsin the context of the exceptional character of Sudan as a melting pot, owing toits exceptional generosity of its people .

6 .Underlines the progress made towards reaching aFramework Agreement, but at the same time expresses concern over pending issuesthat continue to threaten the full implementation of the CPA and urges theParties, to expeditiously resolve the remaining difference on the issues ofborder demarcation, the Abyei referendum and post referendum arrangements .

7.  Recognizes the steps undertaken to finalize thepopular consultations in Blue Nile and South Kordofan States and urges theparties to agree on a practical timeline for completion of the exercise beforethe end of the CPA Interim Period .

8 .Requests the AUHIP to keep IGAD updated throughits Chairperson on the progress of negotiations including the ongoingdiscussions between the two Parties .

9. Mandates the Chairperson of IGAD Assembly topresent IGAD's position to the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC) at its forthcoming session due to be held in Tripoli, Libya and requests theSummit to Take due note of its recommendations



On Somalia : After having listened the update andfollowing exchange of views on the political, security and humanitariansituation in Somalia, The Assembly :-

1. Notes with serious Concern the politicaldevelopments in Somalia that continue to be characterized by internal wranglesand lack of cohesion among the leadership of the Transitional FederalInstitutions (TFIs) that have prevented progress in the accomplishment of thetransitional tasks and in view of the urgency arising from the end of thetransition period in August 2011 .

2 .  Calls upon the presidency and the parliament notonly to work together with cohesion but also to ensure that there is totalharmony among the leadership of the two institutions .

3. Urges the leadership of the TFIs to moveexpeditiously in the confirmation of the new cabinet, outlining the road mapdefining the key tasks to be implemented during the remaining transitionperiod .

4. Affirms unswerving and continued support of IGADMember States to the TFIs of Somalia in their endeavour to create peace, security and stability in the country, put in place the institutions ofgovernance and deliver basic services to the people of Somalia .


5.Urges the TFIs, in close consultations withSomaliapeople, IGAD and the international community to carefully examine andprovide the appropriate political options before the end of the transitionalperiod .

6. Gravely concerned over the highly volatilesecurity situation in Somalia with armed opposition groups unleashing terroristattacks on the people of Somalia, the TFG, and AMISOM .


7. Directs the Chiefs of Defense Staff of IGAD MemberStates to review reports submitted by military experts in their recent missionto Somalia , assess the current situation on the ground and make furtherrecommendation on actions required to help in the re-organization of the TFGsecurity forces and assist AMISOM to fulfill its mandate .

8. Regrets the slow progress in the fullimplementation of the agreement the TFG and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama(ASWJ) and callsupon the TFG and the leadership of (ASWJ) to take the necessary steps for thespeedy and full implementation of their commitments under the agreement .

9.Welcomes the appointment of former President ofGhana, H.E. Jerry John Rawlings as the High Representative of the African UnionCommission to Somalia and expresses its desires to see the eminent person embarkon his duties promptly .

10. Welcomes the communiqué of the 245th of the AUPeace and Security Council and fully supports the decisions contained herein, which are fully in line with the 15th Extra-Ordinary Summit notes withsatisfaction the communiqué comprehensively addresses all the aspects of thesituation in Somalia , whether they related to the political process, themilitary and security aspects , capacity building for the Transitional FederalInstitutions, piracy, sanctions against spoilers , and the role of theinternational community .

11. Notes with deep concern that the United NationsSecurity Council has yet to respond to the request formally made by the AU Peaceand Security Council to, inter alia .

(i) endorse the revised concept ofoperations and newly authorized strength of AMISOM of 20,000,

(ii) authorize anenhanced support package for AMISOM, funded through UN assessed contributions, on the basis of the newly- authorized strength .

(iii) impose, in response to therequest by the AU and the region , a naval blockade and a no-fly zone overSomaliato prevent the entry of foreign elements into Somalia , as well asflights and shipments carrying weapons and ammunitions to armed groups insideSomalia.

(iv) ensure the effective implementations of sanctions against all thoseimpeding the peace and reconciliation process in Somalia, and   

(v) reaffirms itscommitment .

12. Stresses that, given the critical juncture inthe Somalia peace and reconciliation process and the prevailing situation on theground, any further delay in acting on the request of the AU PSC has a potentialof undermining the ongoing efforts and the prospects for achieving lasting peaceand reconciliation in Somalia. Accordingly, the Summit strongly urged the UNSecurity Council to assume its responsibilities and take the steps expected ofits in support of AMISOM, consistent with the provisions of Chapter VII of theUN Charter .

13. Reiterates its sincere appreciation andgratitude to Burundi and Uganda for their unflinching commitment to peace andreconciliation in Somalia and their invaluable contribution to AMISOM, and noteswith satisfaction their readiness to provide additional troops for AMISOM toreach its newly authorized strength .

14. Directs the Executive Secretary of IGADto formally submit this communiqué to the UNSC and report back to IGAD throughthe current Chairperson .





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