
"Are they terrorist: The returnees from Hell"

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)

 The world is never the same since September 11. The geopolitical spectrum of the globe has changed for ever and it will take quite some time before the page is turned over, and a new page than that of September 11 and the ensuring repercussions, horrendous as they were, is opened.

But it seems that what is needed now more anything else is to, through working at various levels; try to understand what happened and why it happened, by way of attempting, through various contributions, to avert recurrence and to uproot the causes. One of the means to do so is to expose the infested wounds to clear fresh air and to purge the dead skin, allowing a healthy surface.

It is within this context that we will devote this second issue of Sudanow to topics related to those events. We will focus on the social aspects, and allow those persons we have interviewed to talk about themselves and their families. It will draw and reflect the humane aspects and the suffering of those persons, their background and let reader answer our question: are they terrorist.


Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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