The Universe in a State of Continuous Expansion: a fact discovered by Islam centuries before Nobel laureates did
16 October, 2011
Khartoum, ( - The Nobel Physics Award Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy for Science this month announced rewarding three scientists the Nobel Physics laureate for 2011 for their amazing discovery of an accelerated expansion of the Universe, implying that that the Universe might one day go into a form of ice.
The Committee indicated that the scientists have come to know since the 1920s that the Universe is expanding s a result of the Big Bang that erupted about 14 billion years ago but discovering that this process is gaining speed, rather than slowing down, as was widely believed, has shocked the scientific community.
American scientist Sole Purlmetier obtained half of the prize which amounted to 10 million Kronas (1.5 million US dollars) while the other half was given to two scientists- Brian Smith, who was born in America and is resident in Australia, and American scientist Adam Reece.
Following announcement of the laureate in Stockholm, told a press conference on telephone: “We ended up telling the world of the crazy discovery we have reached – the Universe moves in a high speed.” He added: “It seemed absolutely crazy that we would be right; I believe we have felt a bit scared.”
Nobel Committee said in a statement that the discovery was reached through observing remote stars exploding. Instead of growing brighter, the stars’ light began to fade away. “The astonishing result was that the expansion of the Universe does not slow down but, on the contrary, gains speed,” the Committee noted.
The Committee, as reported by Reuters, said there is a belief this acceleration is caused by a dark energy the nature of which is not exactly identified by the astronomers who believe that this energy might be a reverse gravity repulses an approaching object and comprises ¾ of the Universe.
Those scientists will be surprised to know that this discovery is not new. Almighty God said in the Holy Koran: “With power and skill did we construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space,” Surat Zariyat, Verse 47. This means that Almighty God made the firmament a vast ceiling standing without pillars, according to several prominent expounders of the Holy Koran. This certainly refutes the belief of any suspect in Doomsday and provides a proof that there was a beginning for the Universe and will certainly have an end through the rapid expansion which will lead to the collapse of its celestial bodies on orders by the Creator and Re-creator. This verse points out a number of Universal facts which have not been known to any human being during and after long centuries of the revelation of the Holy Koran. These facts include:
First: When scientists began exploring the Universe, they called it space, thinking that the Universe is full of vacuums, but after their knowledge of the Universe developed and were able to accurately discern its structure and a tightly correlated comic web, they introduced a new term, building for the Universe. They found out that the sky is a firm, coherent and correlated construction, rather than an empty space as was believed until recently. It was scientifically proven that the celestial bodies are connected with very thin layers of gases, predominantly hydrogen. These gaseous screens contain extremely minute bodies of solid substance, taking the appearance of fine dust particles, predominantly of calcium, sodium, potassium and iron, in addition to particles of water vapor, ammonia and other chemical ingredients. In addition to the substance filling the spaces between the stars, magnetic fields exist between the celestial bodies to link those bodies together in a cohesive, correlated way. Scientists realized this fact only in the 20th century, in fact its late decades.
The scientists actually began to see a coherent architectural structure with the galaxies and their clusters comprising bricks of this structure. They began to speak about the architectural style of the Universe, using new terms such as cosmic bridges and cosmic walls and an unseen substance they called dark matter. This dark matter fills the Universe, controls distribution of the galaxies and build bridges linking the galaxies together.
A group of scientists of a research launched by a south European observatory stated that they prefer using ‘building bricks of galaxies’ instead of ‘galaxies’ and they confirmed that the Universe is decorated with those buildings, just like beads of a necklace.
Despite the thin density of the substance between the stars which reaches one atom of gas in each cubic centimeter of the distances between the stars and even less than that with regards to the solid substances (cosmic dust), compared with one millionth over a million x million in each cubic centimeter of air o the earth surface, the quantity of the substance in the spaces between the stars is extremely tremendous. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, it is 10 billion times of the substance in our sun, representing about 5% of the total mass of this galaxy.
Secondly: The phrase “We have constructed the Firmament with hand”, i.e. with power, sagacity and skill, suggests the astronomical enormity of the Universe and its perfect structure, highly controlled motions and precision of everything in it, its steadiness, cohesion of its parts and preserving it from cracking or collapsing. The sky, in language, means everything that overshadows and, in content, everything around the earth comprising celestial bodies, substance and sky energy of which science grasps only a fraction. Scientists counted in the nearest sky 200 billion galaxies; some of them are much bigger than our Milky Way galaxy and others a bit smaller, while the stars in the galaxies range between a million and millions of millions in number. These stars experience different stages of growth (birth, infancy, youth, middle age, senility and death). As the nearest star, our sun has planets, mini-planets and satellites, other stars must logically have such planets, some of which have been discovered while much many have not yet been discovered.
Thirdly: The above-mentioned Holy Verse indicates that the perfectly structured, tightly controlled and steadily and precisely moving Universe has been created by Al-mighty God with His Omniscience, Omnipotence and Boundless Skill. His Glory preserves it from cessation and collapse. The closest part of the Universe is too vast to be grasped by the human intellect, as the distances are measured in billions of light years, and it continuously expands every day, till God Wills. The Koranic phrase ‘We Who create the vastness of space’ implies that this immense vast Universe continuously expands till God wills, a fact that Man has grasped only in the first three decades of the 20th century when physicians and astronomers came to know that the galaxies move away from us and from each other in a high speed that grow faster with the increase of their distance from our galaxy, in a pace that sometimes comes close to light speed (299792.5 km/second).
The galaxies around us move backwards away from us. Scientists deduced this fact from noticing the phenomenon of the spectrum waves of the light emanating from the stars of other galaxies moving away from us towards the red spectrum (movement to the red spectrum or sometimes to the infra-red spectrum). Scientists managed to measure the speed of the galaxies in their movement away from us by measuring the spectrum lines of a number of stars of those galaxies. It was fund that this speed ranges between 60,000 k/s and 272,000 k/s. The scientists found out that the transition of the stars spectra to the red spectrum (or sometimes even to the infra-red spectrum(represents the seed in which the stars move away from us and that this speed can be used for measuring the speed in which those stars move away from us.
Fourthly: The expanding Universe phenomenon may indicate the molding of each of the matter and energy to fill in the spaces resulting from the expansion because matter exists in the Universe in different densities, thought connected intermittently whereas there is no place with no time as there are no place and time with no matter and energy. Science cannot, until today, determine the source of each of the matter and energy which fill in the spaces resulting from the expansion of the Universe at this astonishing speed and cannot give any explanation other than creation from nonentity.
Fifthly: Establishing the notion of an expanding Universe led to the correct conception that if this expansion is taken back to a point in the past, all forms of matter and energy will converge as each of the place and time will converge at one point. This, in turn, led to the correct conclusion that the Universe began at one point starting from the Big Bang, confirming that the Universe is a creation with a beginning and everything with a beginning must one have an end. It also confirms the creation out of nonentity because the Universe expansion process requires continued creation of each of the matter and energy, in a way that cannot be realized by the scientists, for filling in, immediately and forthwith, the spaces resulting from the process in which the galaxies part from each other at a great speed so that the Universe retains the level of the average density we see today.
Scientists estimate the mass of the murky smoke at around 90% of the mass of the matter in the seen Universe. George Smote, one of the scientists in charge of the journey of discovery, wrote in 1992 a report on the results derived from this tremendous number of the cosmic pictures the most important of which was the homogeneous smoky state which prevailed in the Universe following the Big Bang. The resulting temperature that took the form of radiation also gave evidence of the occurrence of the Big Bang. These discoveries provided a strong proof of the falsehood of the erroneous theories which, out of infidelity and atheism, disregarded the creation and promoted the disbelief in the Creator, The Glorious God, and falsely advocated the idea of a sustainable Universe that has no beginning or end, like the sustainable Universe theory which was declared and defended by Herman Bundy and Fred Hoel in 1949 and the previous fluctuating Universe theory of Richard Tallman.
New astronomy researches showed that the Universe expands in a speed we cannot predict and that this expansion will go on until it reaches a point at which the Universe becomes incapable of expanding anymore, because the process requires a driving energy and the energy of the Universe is limited. This was proved by scientists according to the law of the sustainability of matter and energy which says that energy is not created and does not extinct but transforms from one share to another.
Some scientists believe that the Universe will go expanding until it reaches a critical point at which it begins to introvert and returns to its starting point. This brings back to mind what Almighty God said about the end of the Universe: “The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books; even as We produced the first Creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken , truly shall We fulfill it,” Surat Anbiya’a (The Prophets) Verse 104. This is affirmed by a group of scientists today and by our understanding of the previously mentioned Holy Verse No. 47 of Surat Zariyat: “With power and skill did we construct the Firmament; for it is We Who create the vastness of Space.” This points to the three eras of time: the past, the present and the future, and, according to Arabic grammarians, the vastness began in the past, continued during revelation of the Holy Verse and will go until a definitive point of time, ordained by God. WE have to get prepared for Doomsday which comes all of a sudden finding us inadvertent of it.
The Nobel Committee assertion in its statement that: “If the expansion continues gaining speed, the Universe will in the end transform into ice”, is based on the third law of the thermodynamics laws which proves that heat is transmitted from the hot bodies to the cold ones through radiation. This causes the equality of the temperatures of all bodies of the Universe and will deplete and shrink in a great force and high speed and gets entirely destroyed, on God’s command, prior to resurrection and accountability, in conformity with what Almighty God says: “Did you think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us for account?” Surat Muminun (The Believers), Verse No. 115.
These important conclusion on the Universe origin and the manner in which it was splendidly created and its inevitable end were reached on observation of the expansion of the Universe. This fact Man has managed to grasp only during the first third of the 20th century and was long debated till scientists accepted it at long last. In contrast, the Holy Koran has established this fact at a time when ignorance shrouded everybody and everything. There is no sensible person who can imagine any source other than Almighty God for this magnificent Koranic revelation. This was the Creator, the Omnipotent who created the Universe in perfection and precision. This splendid Koranic glimpse which, along with other Koranic prodigies, will provide evidence that the Koran is God’s revelation to our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and that the Koran will remain his eternal miracle till Doomsday, according to Dr. Zaghlul al-Najar explaining the miraculously scientific nature of the Koranic Verse: “With power and skill did We construct the Firmament, for it is We Who create the vastness of Space,” in his Maknoun Islamic Encyclopedia.