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East Sudan Reconstruction Fund

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)

Khartoum, (sudanow.info.sd)- The Executive Manager of East Sudan Reconstruction Fund (ESRF), Engineer Abu Obaidah Mohamed Dej, has recently presented at the Information Forum of the High Council of the Decentralized Federal Rule a report on the Fund’s performance for 2008-2011 supported by specific figures and dates.

-The projects carried out by 100% in 2008-2009 were 564 in number, costing SDG 123,559,171.44 covering water resources, health, education, and economic development and roads fields. Of these projects, 117 were implemented in the Red Sea State, 159 in Gedaref State and 288 projects in Kassala State .

-The projects under implementation during 2010-2011 are 82 in number, costing SDG 46,280,000 and covering water resources, health, education, economic development and roads fields. Of these projects 28 are being executed in the Red Sea State, 18 in Gedaref State and 36 projects in Kassala State. %3% of these projects in implemented.

-Sitait & Upper Atbara River Dam-it is one of the strategic projects aimed at attaining a development change in 2009. The Chinese 100 million-dollar loan, a partial financing of the Dam, was diverted in contribution by the Fund to the economic and human resources development.

-Qatar Grant Projects:-

The grant was a contribution by the State of Qatar in support of the government of Sudan efforts. Three development projects have been carried out in Kassala State, including:

1-A 26-km asphalt road linking the Sudan’s national road network from Kassala stretching to Eritrea, costing 12 million US dollars.

2-Construction of a model village in Telkouk, Hameshkorib Rural District, Kassala State, at a cost of 3 million US dollars    

 3- Construction of a model village in Luffa, Kassala Rural District, Kassala State, at a cost of 3 million US dollars.

   -Chinese Reactivation Loan:-

 The agreement on this loan was signed between the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and the Manager of the Chinese Export-Import Bank against offers of 123 million Yuan to Tanjet and 31,100,000 Yuan to Mobi companies amounting to 123 million Yuan for supplying fishing equipment and building two bridges on Atbara River. Yet to be signed is an agreement with Nantong Company for construction of installations in Gedaref and Kassala states. The total value of these projects in the Red Sea State reached around 13,455,441.55 US dollars appropriated for projects of fisheries, earth-moving and water reservoirs digging  machinery and water network equipment and pipes. The total cost of these projects for Gedaref State was 10,130,000 US dollars covering a specialized child hospital, a vocational training center and a youth training center in addition to the construction of 22 bridges on Atbara River. The total value of these projects in Kassala State reached 14,389,598.96 US dollars. Out of these projects the vocational training center, the youth training center, the doctors’ rest-house and water-nets equipment project were carried out costing an approximate 43 million US dollars.

-Human & Institutional Capacity-building:

-The programme of training 3683 trainees in the three eastern sates has been finalized.

Projects supporting women, children:

ESRF has implemented woman-development projects in the eastern states aimed at achieving possession of means of production and technological systems that contribute to upgrading awareness, in addition to primary health care services by explaining supportive means for the midwives spread across the country-side.

Emergency Support Projects:

The ESRF has offered direct support to the three states by moving food convoys so as to bridge the food deficit in the 2009 farming season. Thee convoys covered the most affected and most needy localities of the states. Support was also offered to the inhabitants of Port Sudan city during the heavy rainfall emergency in the form of environment improvement. The money sent for this purpose amounted to about SDG 2.5 million.

ESRF performance on donors’ projects:

-The performance of the Fund since he convening of the donors’ conference last December until now was as follows:

The Kuwaiti grant of 50 million dollars was allocated for the construction of 12 rural hospitals (five hospitals in each of the three state and one hospital in the common area), 12 technical secondary schools (three schools in each state).

The 10-milllion-dollar Grant of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development Fund:

This was allocated for 45 water projects in the three states. The designs, project documents and timetables have been prepared and work will start next November.

Roads Projects:

ESRF, in cooperation with the ministries of Roads and Bridges and the General Roads and Bridges Administration, has finished the tasks of designs, documents, tables of estimated quantities, brochures of bids, and verification of qualifications of contractors and consultants. The roads are: Tokar-Garourah-Kassala and Gedaref-Samsam-Um Al-Khair in addition to building three bridges on Atbara, Gash and Baraka rivers. The contractors will be nvited to submit tenders during September-November. An appropriation of 275 million Us dollars has been earmarked for these projects.

Electric-power Projects:-

The Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development has offered a loan of 450 million US dollars to be paid in installments over five years, i.e. 90 million US dollars each year. One project will be designed each year to be covered by the set installment.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity and Dams, the designs for Shaikan project of the electric-power of the three eastern states have been completed. The documents, tables of the quantities and the bidding brochures have also been completed. The project will be implemented in two phases; each will have a separate contract starting this year. The total allocation of the electricity project for 2011-2012 amounts to 180 million US dollars. The final design will be completed soon after the adjustment that was made in response to the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development.

Agricultural Projects:

The Islamic Development Bank has earmarked 250 million US dollars for the rehabilitation and development projects of the agricultural sector. The feasibility study on rehabilitation of Halfa agricultural scheme has been completed and handed over to the Islamic Development Bank for approving 50 million US dollars for 2011 to start work on the project. The study covered all agricultural aspects as well as the rehabilitation of Tokar and Gash projects. Feasibility studies are underway on boosting the mechanized farming project in Gedaref as well as the horticultural projects in the three eastern states. These studies will be submitted consecutively each year for the Bank to approve each project separately each year.


ESRF has signed with the Iranian Kharisan Company a memorandum of understanding of 72 million US dollars for implementation of 8 investment projects in the east in the context of a pledge of 200 million US dollars by the Islamic Government of Iran.   


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