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Civil Register: DG Major General al-Sayyed: - The Register helps in obtaining correct and sound civil documents, prevents falsification and deception

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)


Khartoum, March 2011 (Sudanow) - The Civil Register project, which is regarded by the Council of Ministers as the project of the century, is aimed at realizing the government ambitions for an overall development in all walks of life through the provision of precise information on the human element which is considered as the main factor in the strategic planning and objectives of the state and which, moreover, helps conserve the Sudanese identity.


The Ministry of the Interior accorded top priority to the Civil Register Project following enactment of the relevant act and persistently sought to secure the funds required for establishing it in all states of the country during coming days.


The Civil Register Director, Major General Mohamed Ahmed al-Sayyed, spoke to SUDANOW on the goals, merits of the Civil Register and the technical and administrative steps so far taken for implementation of the project.

The dialogue follows:


Question: What is the Civil Register?

M GEN. AL-SAYYED: It is a register that contains all facts and events of life, including births, deaths, marriages, and divorces and every other related event. These facts and events are now scattered in different governmental departments and units and are planned to be compiled in a single body – the Civil Register- so that it will be easy to obtain the needed information from the central database provided by the Civil Register... It is a means for verifying the identity in addition to being a civilized and scientific action in a world that has become heavily dependent on data.


QUESTION: What are the objectives of the Civil Register?


DG Major General al-Sayyed:: According to Article 6 of the Civil Register Act, 2001, the objectives of the Civil Register are:

a) Guaranteeing the individual's rights of citizenship, ownership and political, employment, election, candidacy and any other rights provided in this act,

 b) Establishment of a central database to be linked with the offices in the states and the relevant federal and state organs containing information on the work, movement and activity of each individual,                                                                                        

 c) Providing the concerned organs of the state with statistical data needed for formulating the federal, state and locality development plans in the economic, political, social and military fields, including the domestic and external migration movements.

 QUESTION: What are the steps and plans made by the administration for carrying out the project?


M GEN. AL-SAYYED: The administration first began with shifting from the conventional manual entering of the data to the computerized and digital systems. This made the development plan smooth and balanced and included the establishment of central database units of 10 advanced servers of high capacity that can absorb all Civil Register activities. The database will be conveyed on a network that will cover most of the towns of the Sudan. The basic technical data for the Civil Register has now been completed and the project a reality, rather than fantasy. The project was built on a number of basic pivots- the first was the legal one under which changes were made on the proposed Civil Register draft act for 2010 to formulate the projected Civil Register draft act for 2011 which is now finalized and ready for approval.


The technical pivot includes several basic data, the most important of which are the project's programmes under which a contract was concluded with a Pakistani firm for assessment of the programmes. This firm is currently carrying out the final stage of its tests.


The second pivot is the basic data center in which all data from inside Sudan and abroad is gathered. This center is equipped with the latest technological devices. Even those devices embargoed under the US sanctions have been imported.

The administration then set up registration centers which deal directly with the citizens. Those centers have been equipped with systems for entering the data and electronic finger prints and are connected to the data center. Seven of these centers have been set up in Khartoum State while similar centers are being established in the different states in addition to mobile ones. All the centers have been linked with the light fibers network through the minus project. In addition a factory for producing the national identification cards has been prepared. The ID carries the national number which consists of 11 figures and is not repeated any other card and prints of 10 fingers to prevent forgery which has spread recently.

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