
Higher Administration Fellowship constitutes advanced awareness for Sudan’s public service leaderships

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)

To develop the occupational path of the higher leadership in the State’s different institutions and enable them confront the challenges facing the country, a strategic program has been launched represented in Higher Administration Fellowship sessions in five national academies.


These five academies include: -

1-      Sudan Academy for Administrative Sciences

2-      Higher Security Academy

3-      Higher Police Academy

4-      Sudan Academy for Communication Science

5-      Nimiri Military Academy


According to specialists, these academies have been selected as they enjoy distinguished academic and administrative records of accomplishment and expertise that stand on an administrative and organizational inheritance, particularly with regard to commitment and strategic applied studies.

To cast the light on the importance of the Higher Administration Fellowship sessions for the different occupational scales (scale 4 and above), Sudanow interviewed Prof. Abdul-Majid Ahmed Awad, Deputy Director of Sudan Academy for Administrative Sciences (fellowships and diplomas- postgraduate and occupational diplomas) and Coordinator General of the Higher Administration Diploma at the Academy.


Professor Awad explained that the main objective of the fellowship is to prepare a national asset of qualified leaderships at the Public Service sector to fulfill the need of the sector which represents the core of the government work and a key to development and progress.


He added that this type of training contributes to raising the occupational awareness of the Public Service leaderships, matter which would help in achieving a balanced development through better exploitation of resources.


Hereunder, Sudanow publishes the text of the interview:


Question: What is the legal and organizational reference for the sessions of the Higher Administration Fellowship?

Answer: In 2008, the State seriously considered achieving an important shift, through a horizontal expansion program, to prepare qualified and skilled leaderships with positive behavior through a training program known as the (Higher Administration Fellowship). The program also tended to avail the opportunity for exchanging viewpoints, ideas and experiences in the different development issues.


In this respect, the Council of Ministers, in its resolution (76) for 2009, provided a means for those leaderships to join the above mentioned academies”.


Question: What are the main axes of the Higher Administration Fellowship program?


Answer: The program consists of many axes that contribute to tackling many administrative, social, economic, political and authenticating issues. These axes include development of the administrative and leadership skills, development of the scientific research skills, the axis of the strategic planning, the axis of the federal and local government, the axis of national security, development of human resources management skills, the axis of information, languages, general politics and privatization, the axis of administrative reform, the axis of symposia and workshops and others.


These axes have been divided into three training session for a duration of six months, the timeframe for the higher Administration Fellowship which ends on the 1st of October 2011” .

Question:What are the teaching methodologies for these different axes?


Answer: There are different methodologies including lectures, working groups, symposia, illustrative films, practical applications, assignments and others .


Question: Would you please tell us about the internal regulations of the Higher Administration Fellowship program ?


Answer: The Permanent Assisting Committee of the Minister of Human Resources Development, established by the Ministerial Decision (76) in 2009, issued internal regulations to organize the relationship between the students or the participants and the concerned national academy. According to the regulation, the learners are to commit themselves to all the orders and directives issued by the coordinator of the fellowship or the academy administration. The regulation covers the behavior, attendance, absence or any behavior that may violate the academy directives.


Question: Is there an incentive program for the distinguished learners in some of the fellowship programs?

Answer :  Yes, there are prizes for the distinguished learners, particularly with discipline and group or individual researches where they are awarded motivating prizes by the permanent committee of the fellowship after a recommendation by the fellowship coordinator. The prizes are awarded in the general graduation ceremony. Additionally, a list of the distinguished participants is prepared and sent to their divisions for further motivation and encouragement for fair competition .


Question: a general comment on the whole programme?

Answer : This program raises the awareness of the participants with the posts of the institution or the project and enable them to efficiently manage the development process and develop their own capabilities in scientific research. The program also helps in evaluating, revising and implementing the pillars of the federal and local government.

The Higher Administration Fellowship is also considered a qualification boost for obtaining promotions in the public service sector where a person cannot be promoted to scale 3 without obtaining the fellowship.


I would like to note that joining the Higher Administration Fellowship is availed for the person for only one time during the occupational period of the employees in the public service sector.


The performance of the participants is evaluated through objective evaluation means, i.e. there are no exams at the end of the program.










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