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National Assembly, 3rd Session, Draft Resolution on U.S Congress’ hostile stances towards Sudan

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)




Khartoum, (Sudanow)- The National Assembly:

Based on its authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 (3) (f) of the Interim Constitution of the Republic of Sudan for 2005, and in pursuant to the provisions of Article 51 of the Regulation of the National Assembly for 2010; and after looking at the facts of the hearing session titled “Africa’s Newest Nation: The Republic of South Sudan”, organized by the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights on the 16th of June 2011.


-         Recognizing that the mentioned group, which is hostile to Sudan, is a small group but a reference on Sudanese matters and influential in the decisions taken against it; and which its influence increases in absence of any other group that stands against it and deals objectively with Sudan’s matters.

-        Knowing that this group is associated with some elements in the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) who feed it with information and analysis and suggest for it to adopt extreme stances against Sudan.

-        Affirming that the call by some in the hearing session, which was called for by the U.S Office Subcommittee, to abduct the President’s plane en route to China or during his roaming in any country, is considered instigation for a high jacking crime and lays down a precedent that contradicts with the principles of the international law and can blow up the security and stability in the entire region.

-        Affirming that the U.S Congress has intentionally sent wrong messages to the Darfur movements during their negotiations with the government to keep on their obstinacy to block the way before any forthcoming settlement with the government in Abuja and Doha, crippling thus all the serious efforts which the Sudanese government has kept on exerting to achieve peace in Darfur besides its threats to impose strict sanctions on Sudan if the negotiations failed.

-        Realizing the objectives of such acts in expanding the means of political, economic and diplomatic pressures on the Sudan government under what the country is facing of challenges and what follows all these of irresponsible statements that instigate hatred against the Sudanese people and government and increase the size of the damage inflicted by those statements on the image of the country within the categories of the American community.

-        Drawing the attention to what is exercised by the well-known pressure groups of instigation of the international community to support a U.S military intervention in Sudan via fabrication of baseless accusations and instigation of the international media against it.

-        Reminding of the Sudan Peace Act which is in fact a declared war against the country, where it was endorsed by the U.S House of Representatives and the Senate, and of what that act has left of negative impact on the country’s economies and its external relations and on the investment and stability.

-        Reiterating its belief in the ability of the Sudanese people to confront such aggressive acts through intactness of their internal front and support of their historical leaderships who have crossed with them from hardships and challenges to peace and development.

-        Commending the political accomplishments that Sudan has achieved by signing the numerous peace agreements which were witnessed by the entire international community, conducting free and credible elections that have enhanced the country’s democratic development and progress together with conducting the south Sudan referendum and accepting its results.

-        Commending what the Sudan government has achieved of successes via adoption of the policy of political and economic openness in the past period and through the adoption of the policy of presidential, parliamentary and popular diplomacy to enhance the traditional diplomacy and abort all the foreign plots and projects which target the reputation of the country and work to cripple its progress and affect its decisions and options.

-        Stressing the importance of restoration of Sudan’s relations with neighbor Chad and Central Africa Republic through reactivating the good neighborliness policy, securing the borders and establishing joint forces to monitor and protect them.

-        Drawing the attention to the fact that the Darfur is has become a card used for electoral campaigns by some of the political parties there in America, a number of European countries and Israel.

-        Pointing to the fact that referring the Darfur issue to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant against Al-Bashir on bases of allegations of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide was meant to prompt chaos in the country and the region to pass agenda that has nothing to do with the people of Darfur, but to tear up the unity of Sudan and disturb its security and stability and that of its neighbors. 

-        Affirming that some international organizations hostile to Sudan such as “Save Darfur Alliance” are targeting Sudan, calls for condemning the impartial instrument of the Western media which aims to weaken Sudan through exhausting its resources and force in sideway battles so that it would not be a prominent country in the region qualified by its human capabilities, financial potentialities and unique geographical location.

-        Commending the remarkable role of Sudan’s external missions, urges them once again to exert further efforts to refute the claims and lies of some Western circles through reflecting the facts about the real conditions in the country as they are.

-        Pointing to and commending the State’s acceptance of the African-Arab initiative, which was supported by the United Nations and the international community, to resolve the Darfur issue, together with the historical signing by the President of the Republic and his peace partners on the Doha document to end the conflict in Darfur.

-        Recognizing the importance of the Abyei region as a model for interrelation and peaceful co-existence and the fact that the commitment of all the concerned parties to the implementation of the Abyei protocol and refraining from conflict escalation and use of violence is the right path to the resolution of the conflict.

-        Praising the efforts made by the Sudanese Armed Forces to protect the security and stability in South Kordofan and condemning the repeated attempts by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to violate the agreements and drag the country to news wars.

-        Pointing to the serious endeavors for holding rounds of talks and negotiations with all the Sudanese political parties to agree on a permanent constitution for the country in particular and on the entire major issues and to form a broad-based government.

-        Commending and appreciating the deliberations of the assembly over the initiative of the External Affairs Committee, those deliberations which were characterized by wisdom and responsibility together with keenness on the national interests.

Decides the following: -

1-     Rejecting the statements and allegations of some members of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights, who were known for their flagrant enmity towards Sudan.

2-     Renewing rejection of the U.S Congress’ resolutions and stances which led to imposition of economic sanctions on Sudan in 1997 as for the grave damages inflicted by those sanctions on the interests of the Sudanese peoples, collectively and individually, and because those sanction constituted clear violation of Sudan man’s human rights in safe movement on land, sea and air, and calls on the U.S Administration to immediately lift them.

3-     Renewing the rejection of the stances of the U.S Administration and U.S Congress which adopted impartiality, selectivity and hostility against Sudan and its government as a principle, and calls on them to adopt a new stance that stands on fairness, justice and objectivity.

4-     Inviting the U.S Administration to observe the values of credibility via fulfilling its commitments which it vowed to Sudan made by its presidential envoys and official government representatives throughout the past years regarding lifting Sudan’s name from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, cancelling the unilateral economic sanctions on the country, increasing the diplomatic representation between the two countries and opening the doors for normal commercial and investment cooperation and educational and scientific exchange.

5-     Reconsidering Sudan’s external policy generally and carefully revising the relations with the U.S Administration and U.S Congress in particular within the context of taking into account the learned lessons from these relations in the past and under the present developments and challenges; and thoroughly looking into the future horizons.

6-     Reactivating the tit-for-tat principle in Sudan’s external relations, in particular with the U.S Administration.

7-     Building channels of communications and deepening the popular and official bridges of dialogue, vertically and horizontally, with the individuals and groups and with the American parties and institutions to reach a correct understanding and comfortable approach to serve the common and legitimate interests of the two countries.

8-     Preparing a comprehensive statement to refute the claims and allegations of the group hostile to Sudan to reveal its breach of the international law and violation of the moral considerations; and distributing that statement to all members of the Congress.

9-     The different authorities of concern must study the trends of the American institutions including the U.S Congress, the different bodies of the U.S Administration and the American community and its institutions to determine the real enemies and the potential friends.

10-Working to unite the internal front and inviting the political forces to surpass the bitters of the past to block the way before those targeting the security of the country and welfare of its people; and calling on the Sudanese people and all the national political forces to stand above small matters for the sake of the homeland whose lands, people, resources, heritage, values and independent will are targeted, namely through national consensus and popular unity in the face of all external plots which threaten to destroy the country’s security and social fabric of its components and steal its resources.

11-  Calling on the American Administration and the U.S Congress to seriously reconsider their external policies toward Sudan, which have kept for over two decades rotating around a vacuum ring based on enmity, suspicions and ambitions and completely neglecting  the great transformations led by Sudan from war to peace and way down to the self-determination for southern Sudan which established its separate State; and from the military rule to the democratic civil State under a peaceful transition of power via elections under freedoms, from the controlled economy run by the State to the economic reform and liberalization which broke the deadlock and pushed the country towards unprecedented growth rates in its history and the history of the entire region around it.

12-Intensifying the orientation and awareness campaigns and informing all members of the Sudanese people with the size of the international conspiracy to be aware and supportive of what the State adopts of polices to face this conspiracy.

13-Addressing and preparing the international and regional public opinion through its legislative and executive institutions, parties and civil society organizations and continuing the dialogue with the peace loving countries to acquaint them with the real facts about Sudan’s issues to work to abort the American-Israeli plot and prevent it from achieving its colonialist ambitions in the region.

14-Continuous revision of the outcome of cooperation with the American Administration in the different field and determining the stance towards the cooperation policy according to the national interests.

15-Regular follow up and evaluation of the behavior of the American Administration and other U.S  institutions towards Sudan, its external relations and national interests, where the State should be ready to face any moves targeting the homeland or any attempt to undermine its security and stability and in a manner that preserves its security and sovereignty.

16- Continuation of the negotiations with South Sudan government to work for the stability of the two countries and block the way before the enemies of the homeland who tend to ignite sedition and bring the country back to the war quarter; to find solutions for the outstanding issues and press ahead with the strategy of good neighborliness and complementary relations with South Sudan and to  seek to achieve security and stability in the two countries, provided that the newly born State must similarly respond to these good offices, and provided that the country must highly be prepared for immediate and firm response to any aggression or violation.

17-Expelling any foreign organization that proves to be involved in hostile acts against Sudan and seriously working to complete the steps of Sudanization of the voluntary work.

18- Better treating Sudan’s visitors and making sure of their safety and supporting them to perform their tasks within the framework of sound procedures, good intention and respect of the country’s security, traditions and sovereignty.

19-Reactivating the National Assembly’s external work to play a greater role within its regional and international surroundings and intensifying its external participations in all international forums.

20-Monitoring any similar hostile moves in the future and dealing with them in the same way so that the arena would not be empty for the hostile groups alone.

21- Upgrading the coordination and cooperation among all the Sudanese trends operating in the external field, whether official or popular, public or private, to enhance their activities in confronting external plots and aggressions, and contributing to drawing a new real image of Sudan before the world.

22-The assembly should remain informed with this issue and provided with reports on implementation of the suggestions and polices based on the above mentioned suggestions.


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