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Sudan denies a UN claim Khartoum delayed evacuation of wounded peacekeepers

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)

Khartoum, Sudan ( sudanow.info.sd   ) – Sudanese army has denied accusations by a senior United nations official that the government of President Omar Bashir has delayed  giving an okay to a plane carrying wounded peacekeepers leading to the death of one of them

The former UN under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy was quoted on Friday as saying authorities in Sudan had menaced to shoot down a helicopter carrying injured peace keepers, if it takes off without obtaining a security clearance.

In fact the UN mission asked for a permission and in just quarter of an hour they got the okay to take off" the official spokesman for the Sudanese armed forces, Colonel Al Sawaramy Khalid Saad was quoted as saying on Saturday.

Le Roy said on  Friday that Sudanese authorities threatened to shoot a helicopter trying to evacuate three seriously injured peace keepers Le Roy told reporters at a briefing at the UN headquarters that the development caused a three-hour delay in the rescue mission.

He said no one has officially brought to their attention that injured soldiers in that plane died because of a delay.


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