Behave Brave and Donate Blood
26 October, 2012
KHARTOUM, ( Blood donation is a medical process that occurs when a healthy person voluntarily donates blood used in transfusion operations or manufacturing of drugs. The donation is made in a method known as “partition” which is a relatively safe method that renews and purifies the blood.
Most donors, in the developed world, volunteer to donate blood either humanitarian, social, religious or even health purposes. But in the least developed countries, the blood transfusion institutions are reluctant to issue blood and only family members and friends come forward to donate.
Federal Health Minister Baher Idriss Abugardah has declared in a statement that the three-month national voluntary blood donation campaign under the motto “Behave Brave and Donate Blood, was launched on October 22 for the purpose of saving lives. He appealed to all organizations and institutions to contribute to the campaign by persuading their members. It is not temporary but a constant culture that must be kept as a practice for securing reserve for disasters and emergencies, Dr. Abugardah said.
Dr. Ahmed Hassan, director of the National Center for Blood Transfusion, said the programme was welcomed by the community. “We need 400,000 to 500,000 units of blood and blood derivatives a year to be transfused to patients,” he said, adding that this amount will be donated by volunteers for saving lives and helping patients recover health.
“We aim at securing the required blood supplies through consolidating the blood donation and transfusion culture so as to provide the blood need for every patient in all of the country’s states,” Dr. Hassan said.
He extolled the role being played by the media for disseminating the blood donation message to all sectors of the society.
The amounts and methods of drawing blood are varied, but the most common amount is 500 ml (half a liter) for drawing the donated blood. Strict conditions are observed in the process including the use of clean and sterilized tools, the most of which are of a short term, a matter that poses a problem for delivering supplies to remote regions.
The Minister commended the role being played by the National Fund for Fighting Tuberculosis, Malaria and AIDS as well as the UNDP, calling for further development and a new takeoff in the blood services in the future.
He said they are committed to provide the necessary support to ensure availability of blood in the Sudan. The Minister praised the International Donors’ Fund and UNDP for contributing 3.8 million to the effort.
The Health Minister said the amount to be collected is 200,000 units while the actual requirement is 600,000 units. The rate of the voluntary donation is 49% of the total amount, Dr. Abugardah said, adding that his Ministry and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working closely together to raise the rate of donation to 100% by 2020. He suggested that this would be realized recruiting the greatest possible number of regular blood donors.
The WHO Representative in Sudan, Dr. Anshu Panergi, has urged all the Sudanese people, particularly the youths to become voluntary blood donors, noting that the blood donation is a safe practice entailing no health risks, an experience that brings about self-content because it helps save lives of others.
The campaign is aimed at highlighting the importance of the blood donation in all state for the purpose of quantities of safe blood in quantities that satisfy patient in hospitals all over the Sudan.
The Benefits of the blood Donation include:
*Refreshing the spinal cord for production of new blood cells (red, white and plates)
*Reactivation of the blood circulation
*Treatment of some diseases such as the excessive number of the red blood corpuscles, the iron rate and preventing developments of these diseases.
*Providing the donor with an opportunity to make sure that he is free of some diseases (all kinds of lever inflammation, blood cancer, syphilis, AIDS, etc.)
*It has been proved that each instance of donation frees the blood from some of the iron, which if its level in the blood is high, will increase the risk of heart diseases, accelerate oxidization of the cholesterol and damage the small veins.
*Those who donate blood at least once a year are the least susceptible to blood circulation and cancer diseases
*The blood donation refreshes the spinal cord, which is the sole part of the body responsible for formation of the blood cells. While the human blood is naturally renewed every 120 days, the blood of the donor is renewed every 20 days, that is, six times quicker. And the new blood cells are more active in moving the oxygen to the different parts of the body, lending vitality to the body. It seems that God compensates the donor with better blood.
The financial support to the campaign by the International Donors’ Fund is to encourage people to donate blood regularly to guarantee its availability whenever demanded.