
Sudan Independence Day in Perspective

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)


Khartoum (Sudanow) ,Next Sunday, January 1st , coincides with the 57th Anniversary of the Independence of the Sudan on January 1, 1956, the date that witnessed the pulling down of the flags of the Condominium rule which were fluttering over the Sudan since 1898 when the Mahdist army was defeated in Karari.

On that day, the Sudan flag was hoisted in a formal ceremony inside the Palace and an unprecedented massive celebration was organized in the Evacuation (Kitchener) Square. On that historic day, The Sudanese Parliament held   an epoch-making session and heard Prime Minister Ismail Azhary reciting recognitions by Britain and Egypt of the State of Sudan. The recognitions were conveyed by Mr. Parker, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the English Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the British Government, and Sayyed Abdul Fattah Hassan, Under-Secretary of Egyptian Foreign Ministry for Sudan Affairs for the Egyptian Government. The two representatives attended the independence ceremony and received the flags on behalf of their governments.


At that session, the members of the Sovereignty Commission took the oath of allegiance before proceeding along with the members of parliament to the Palace for the formal ceremony during which the British and Egyptian flags were brought down and folded after fluttering for 57 years. The Sudan flag was then hoisted in an emotional and joyous atmosphere in the presence of religious leaders Ali al-Mirghani and Abdul Rahman al-Mahdi of the Khatmiyah and Ansar sects consecutively.

Upon seeing their country’s fluttering, the people shouted massive cheers for long life of the Sudan, its independence and its leaders.

The Sudanese documents indicate that upon declaration of the independence that was made in response to a strong desire by the Sudanese people and to a united position of the political parties, countries of the world began to announce their recognition of an independent Sudan. Egypt and Britain were the first countries to declare recognition.

In the addressed he delivered in Parliament declaring the independence of the Sudan, late great leader Ismail Azhary said: “Oh God, the Omni-magnificent, the Donor of glory and independence, we utter our gratitude and thankfulness to You and ask for Your forgiveness, remission and guidance  and we pray that You grant us success… There is no happier day in the history of the Sudan than this day on which the country’s freedom and independence are achieved and on which all elements of a sovereign state are attained. At this very moment, precisely nine o’clock, 1st January 1956, corresponding to 18th Jumada Thani 1275 Hijri, we declare the birth of first, democratic independent Republic of Sudan with its tricolor flag flying over its land as a symbol of its sovereignty and dignity.” The Independence Flag was thus hoisted on the Republican Palace on January 1st, 1956.



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