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Nugud: A man immune to eclipse

By: Ahmed Alhaj (Site Admin)


Khartoum, (sudanow.info.sd)- Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud, the Secretary General of the Sudanese communist party who was laid to rest in Khartoum on Sunday the 25th of March 2012, was born in Gotaina, central Sudan in 1930.

He was one of the most prominent leaders in Sudan's political life. He received his primary and secondary education in a number of Sudanese towns, as he kept moving from one area to another along with his paternal uncle. He was involved in all types of demonstrations and in all types of protests against the colonization and the colonial rule in 1946, the time, which was fomenting with political turmoil and developments, led by the Graduate Congress.

His political stands became clear since his tiny years while participating in the literary society of the secondary school. He was participating in the theoretical activities such as the works of the famous Sudanese drama writer Khalid Abul Roos, international playwright Shakespeare and middleastern writer George Zaidan.

He completed his university studies in Prague Czechoslovakia   and graduated at the economic collages. He was dismissed from the Faculty of Arts the University of Khartoum.

He returned to Sudan where he was involved in clandestine activities with the Sudanese community party.

Going underground was the norm in the life of the late secretary general of the Sudanese community party. That started shortly after the coup detats of 17 November 1968, he was detained for one year. Then he was elected member of the Sudanese parliament standing for the graduate constituencies in 1965. That parliamentary session was not completed as the Sudanese communist party was dissolved and its representatives were expelled from the parliament altogether.

Nugud became secretary general of the Sudanese community party after the tragic death of the secretary general of the community party Abdul Khaliq Mahgoub in 1971. Nugud then went underground during the rule of late President Gaafar Nimeir until the [popular uprising that brought a democratically elected government in April 1985.

A year later he was elected mp in 1986 and continued to represent his party until the advent of the National Salvation Revolution, the military take over  led by the then Brigadier General Omar Bashir in June 19869.

He was re-elected secretary general for the Sudanese community party in January 2009.

He died in London on the 22nd of March 2012, where he was flown for treatment from cardiovascular ailment complications.



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