Interview on the current situation between Sudan and south Sudan
08 June, 2012
Khartoum, (Sudanow) (General (Police) Jalal Tawor, legal, military expert, former Parliamentary Security & Defense Committee Chairman): The SPLM is obliged to dissociate from 9th & 10th divisions in north Sudan.
The UN Security Council Resolution 2046 that was based on the roadmap outlined by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) for resolving the controversial issues between north and South Sudan sparked public attention.
While the Khartoum Government demands formation of a joint military monitoring force for Abyei and placing the security issues on the top of the agenda of negotiations, the Security Council demands unconditional withdrawal of all military forces and deployment of international forces in the region.
SUDANOW discussed with General (Police) Jalal Tawor, the military and legal expert and former chairman of the parliamentary defense and security committee Resolution 2046 and the Sudan’s position towards it, particularly with regards to Abyei region and the reparations demanded by the Sudan for the damage caused by the invasion of Higlig. The conversation ran as follows:
SUDANOW: How do you view the UN Security Council Resolution 2046 and its repercussions on the Sudan?
Gen.Tawor: The UNSC Resolution was adopted in response to a request by the African Union and was aimed at pressuring the two parties to dissuade them from waging an all-out war and to speed up settlement of the standing issues. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry agreed to the Resolution and although the parliament had a contradictory opinion, it is the Foreign Ministry’s opinion that matters because it represents the Government of Sudan.
QUESTION: Do you think that the implementation deadline is suitable?
ANSWER: The duration set for implementation is too short for settlement of such big issues but it can be extended if the two parties engage in negotiations for reaching agreement on the controversial issues. A negotiated agreement should also be reached on the position of the SPLM-North and on commitment by each party not to host or provide military support to the opposition of the other.
QUESTION: How does Juba view the UNSC Resolution?
ANSWER: Juba has an interest in the Resolution and its approval was expressed by Deng Alor and the South Sudan representative. They are happy with the provision demanding Khartoum Government to cease aerial bombardment on their territories.
QUESTION: What are the repercussions of the Resolution of the Sudanese strategy?
ANSWER: Sudan’s strategy is based on the good-neighbour principle, particularly with South Sudan which was part of the united Sudan. This was a strategy discussed in details at a meeting of the National Council for Strategic Planning at the Friendship Hall last Sunday.
QUESTION: Has the Sudan closed its borders and severed its trade exchange with South Sudan?
ANSWER: The Government decision is intended to fight smuggling rather than legitimate trade and the border trade will be open and if the decision leads to easing the tension, all commodities can be exported in accordance with the current international laws.
QUESTION: Does the Resolution provide for disengagement by South Sudan from the 9th and 10th divisions in the north?
ANSWER: The Resolution stipulates disengagement between these two divisions and South Sudan which pays wages to the troops of those divisions. Those troops will be enrolled in the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in accordance with the technical terms applied by SAF.
QUESTION: How do you envisage Abyei status in the Resolution?
Answer: The two-week deadline for withdrawing the forces has now ended. The Government insisted on full deployment of the Ethiopian forces (UNISFA), asserting that Abyei is northern, pending a referendum that will be conducted as agreed upon in the Abyei Protocol.
Question: How does the current security situation in South Kordufan look like?
Answer: With respect to the security situation, the Government will benefit from the Resolution’s provision of disengagement between South Sudan and the 9th and 10th divisions in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile as there will be monitoring teams along the common border.
Question: In what way will the monitoring be carried out and what is the mandate of the monitoring teams?
ANSWER: The teams will be deployed along the borderline and are mandated by the African Union to register violations.
QUESTION: Impartiality of Monitoring, is it guaranteed? Is there any mechanism for that?
ANSWER: the mechanism has not yet been determined and satellites may be employed for the purpose in addition to the presence of the Ethiopian forces (UNISFA) in Abyei.
QUESTION: What was the Russian position towards the Resolution?
Anwar: the Security Council passed this Resolution unanimously, but this would not rescind the role by China and Russia as friends to the Sudan.
QUESTION: Why haven’t they repeated their previous position with regards to Syria?
ANSWER: Because there were no sanctions but only threats to take such sanctions.
QUESTION: Why did the African Union ask the Security Council to intervene in this matter in the first place?
Answer: The African Union believes intervention by the Security Council is more applicable, particularly from the logistical point-of-view.
QUESTION:How do you see the position of the international community towards Sudan?
Answer: The international community, led by the United States, has an anticipated position with anticipated sanctions against Sudan but, in this connection, the international community intervention was aimed at completing implementation of the (2005) Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), leading to peace and averting eruption of war between the two countries.
QUESTION: Is there any provision in the Resolution that deals with the SPLM-N?
Answer: This is related to the position of the SPLM in the South. The SPLM-N is openly affiliated to the South but if agreement is reached with the Government of South Sudan, it will be easy to reach agreement with SPLM-N which is until now not recognized in its old shape.
QUESTION: Will the UNSC Resolution regard the SPLM-N as part of settlement with the South?
ANSWER: The Resolution obligates the SPLM-N to reach solutions with the Sudanese Government.
QUESTION: Do you think the Government of South will be committed to paying the Higlig reparations?
Answer: This is a legal matter that will either be covered by the negotiations or be submitted to the international court of justice for the Sudan to get its rights; in both cases the Sudan will win the case.
QUESTION: Why hasn’t the Resolution provided for inclusion of the debts in the settlement?
Answer: The Resolution did not mention the debts and the CPA contained only pledges of support and the Sudanese Government had to shoulder the expenses because the donors have not observed their pledges.
QUESTION: How do you opine the hostile Ugandan attitudes towards Sudan?
Answer: I believe Uganda is the only African country that harbors animosity towards Sudan because it is led by Yoweri Museveni who is manipulated by the Western powers which are hostile to Islam and to Sudan.