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Darfur Internal Dialogue and Consultations Process Launched in al-Fasher

By: Aisha Braima

Al-Fasher (Sudanow) – The African Union United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) facilitated Sunday the launch of the Darfur Internal Dialogue and Consultations (DIDC) process at al-Fasher University in North Darfur.

The event brought together Government of Sudan and Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) officials, members of the DIDC Implementation Committee, representatives of the Darfur civil society and internally displaced people and UNAMID officials.

The speakers at the launch underscored the significance of the DIDC as a milestone in the implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) in its endeavor to bring peace and stability to the region.

The Deputy Joint Special Representative (DJSR) of UNAMID, Abdul Kamara, reiterated the importance of the DIDC and assured UNAMID’s continued commitment to support it. “It will provide an opportunity to consolidate peace, promote confidence building and encourage reconciliation as well as unity amongst the people of Darfur and Sudan in general,” Dr. Kamara remarked.

“The aspirations of young Darfuris for prosperity and security cannot be fully realized in this situation of conflict, insecurity and continued violence,” said the DJSR, calling on the Darfuris to fully embrace this process.

DRA Chairman, Eltigani Seisi, called on all Darfuri stakeholders to join the DDPD for the sake of peace, stability and development across the region and commended the significant contribution of the State of Qatar in the peace process. Dr. Seisi called on the IDPs and refugees to participate in the DIDC, so that their concerns and aspirations are taken into account.

The Head of the Darfur Peace Follow-up Office, Amin Hassan Omer, drew attention to key issues in Darfur related to trust-building, land ownership, provision of justice, return of the internally displaced people and refugees, as well as development projects. He expressed hope that the DIDC process will present a genuine opportunity for the people of Darfur to come together and address their own differences.

“Our basic concern in Sudan is the issue of trust building. I am confident the people of Darfur will be successful in building trust and achieving social harmony. Therefore, the government is committed to creating a suitable environment for reconciliation,” said Dr. Omer.

“There is no choice for the people of Darfur to get out of their crisis other than dialogue,” said Siddiq Abdalla (Wada’a), the Chairman of the DIDC Implementation Committee; pointing out that dialogue is the best way to bring an end to fighting and destruction.

Today’s event heralds in the start of the formal DIDC, a process that will take place in 64 localities across the five Darfur states, in addition of Khartoum. The dialogue will involve all sectors of the Darfuri society, including IDPs, refugees, civil society and Dafuris in the diaspora.

(UNAMID Press Release)

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