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Weekly Press Columns Digest

Weekly Press Columns Digest


KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - With its rich natural and human resources, the Sudan is not less than Rwanda or Ethiopia which have both scored remarkable measures of development of international standards, although the former has emerged from a wide-spread massacre and the later from a horrible famine.

This remark was made by Omar al-Omar in his regular column that appeared on Aljareedah daily newspaper of Sunday, adding that what is missing in the Sudan is a good leadership that extricates the country from its long-lasting ordeal.

"We have remained underdeveloped to the extent that our dreams do not go beyond a country in which bread is available," said the veteran journalist-columnist, adding that the goal of the current nationwide upheaval is to have a state in which one can live without suffering.       

The Sudan has become a backward society with obsolete means of living although it possesses an overwhelming majority of young people well-versed in the technological and other contemporary knowledge in addition to highly competent intellectuals and politicians but they are shackled by the regime which has shown gross failures of fulfilling anyone of its promises, said Omar.

There is not a single official in the successive governments, including the falsely called government of qualifications of Mohamed Tahir Eila, who is competent enough for the office, said the columnist.

It is not enough to change faces and officials but the entire regime should be changed for resolving the country's crises, said the columnist.



Columnist Mohamed al-Arabi, writing on Al-Akhbar daily newspaper of Monday, laments the civil service in Sudan saying it has declined due to the politicization policy adopted by the regime.

Arabi underlined that of all resources of any country, the most important is the human resource which he said is the driving force behind the process of development of the society and therefore it should be treated as the most valuable investment and should be taken care of by the regime.

Over the past years, an unmistakable deterioration has appeared in the public service in Sudan as a result of its politicization and failure of commitment to the appointment of qualified, experienced persons who can effectively lead the service, said the columnist.

He added that a group of inefficient officials supported by influential figures seek their personal interests and by pursuing this course they undermined the human resource which, according to Arabi, has caused a disastrous economic crisis.



Commenting on a statement by a senior official of the National Congress Party (NCP) that the party is presently engaged in considering its future away from the government, columnist Fath al-Rahman al-Ja'aly said this statement summed up a long-standing problem resulting from its tripartite Siamese relationship with the government and the Sudanese Islamic Movement (SIM).

The problem was deep-rooted, affecting each one of the three twins, said Ja'aly in the column that was carried by Al-Sudani daily newspaper of Tuesday.

For its part, the government was committed to previously cooked resolutions by the NCP, something which weakened its performance and was behind its successive failures, especially in the economic policies which were guided by personal wishes of influential NCP figures, explained the columnist.

He added that the relationship with the government "killed" the spirit of self-criticism and reform among many NCP members and made them "gasp" behind offices and privileges, forgetting the slogans they long upheld and for which many of them sacrificed their lives.

The SIM has lost its glitter and become subordinate of its two twins and its membership has become restricted to the NCP members, Ja'aly said.    



Columnist Mohamed Abdul Gadir has noted that officials and supporters of the Ingaz government are noticeably avoiding the media to defend the government during the current nation-wide demonstrations which call for the ouster of the regime.

Writing in Alyoum Altaly daily newspaper of Wednesday, Abdul Gadir said, while they are keeping silent towards the uprising, the officials are accusing the satellite TV channels of being biased against the government and are interrogating the correspondents about their coverage to an extent that the government authorities have confiscated the permits of a number of those correspondents for what the authorities consider as biased coverage.

He wondered why neither the government officials nor those of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) have shown up on the TV channels to defend the regime, despite efforts by the correspondents to persuade them for reaction to the anti-government slogans by the demonstrators.

The columnist further wondered whether the flame of the Ingaz has extinguished to the point that none of its officials and supporters stood up in defending it against the opponents or whether those government and NCP officials fear to be identified as pro-Ingaz Islamists or Muslim Brothers, each locally nicknamed "Koz" in the face of a repeated threat by the demonstrators that they would "trample down any Koz".

Citing a personal experience to prove that the government and NCP officials refrain from reacting to the upheaval, the columnist said a number of state ministers and under-secretaries and several NCP officials have apologized from taking part in a talk-show he was preparing for a TV channel on the present economic situation.



Writing in his regular column that was published on Alintibaha daily newspaper on Thursday, Salah Awoodah has stated that the National Congress Party (NCP) is still in power, contrary to reports that it has been distanced from the government and has criticized it of corruption and hoarding ill-gotten wealth.

Despite a current talk about a "government coup detat", figures of the NCP are still dominating the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister Eila is NCP) as well government institutions nation-wide, Awoodah said, referring to the governors of the states.

Calling itself 'national', the party should have sacrificed for rescuing the nation from the present state of (economic) sinking as a result of financial corruption by a number of NCP officials who took money abroad, the columnist said.

He quoted Islamist Member of Parliament Aisha Ghabshawy as declaring in the National Assembly that some NCP officials have transferred funds abroad for their personal ends.

In addition to referring to annual reports by the Auditor-General on monetary transgressions, Awoodah quoted a report attributed to international economist Hamdouk, who apologized from taking up the Ministry of Finance as saying that NCP officials hold some 250 billion dollars abroad.

The economist, according to the columnist, said if a quarter of this money was returned home, it would help revive the country's economy.



A reported sale of an historic house of historic Prime Minister Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub has been labelled by columnist Mustafa Nasur as shameful for failure to grant consideration to the role Mahjoub played in the history of Sudan as a maker of the country's independence.

The house that is located in the fashionable and expensive Khartoum II quarters and with attractive architectural features was sold in a public auction to a Syrian businessman for 70,000 US dollars, making it more shameful to be bought by a foreigner, wrote Nasur in Akhir Lahza daily newspaper of Saturday.

He quoted sources as saying the house was sold for the interest of the Sudanese government while a number of Mahjoub's family members are still alive.

The columnist demanded that those who ordered the sale to explain why it was sold and why the price was placed in the government treasury and whether they have taken into consideration the sale the house that is owned by a symbolic personality of the Sudan to a Syrian businessman for such a low price which Nasur quoted a member of the family as saying the amount was not equal to the a quarter of the market price.

Nasur said the house hosted meetings of historic Sudanese leaders who wrote the independence self-determination manifesto and outlined the future of the Sudan after the independence.

He added that the house also hosted an Arab meeting in 1967 in which late Egyptian Jamal Abdul Nassir and Saudi King Faisal were reconciled.

He called upon the government, which he said became fond of selling anything without any consideration, to answer the above-mentioned questions, and to immediate abrogate the deal.





Sudanow is the longest serving English speaking magazine in the Sudan. It is chartarized by its high quality professional journalism, focusing on political, social, economic, cultural and sport developments in the Sudan. Sudanow provides in depth analysis of these developments by academia, highly ...


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