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Massacre Of The Army General Command Remembered

Massacre Of The Army General Command Remembered

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - The Sudan youth traumatized by the sit-in massacre would not permit the first anniversary of that brutal incident to pass without a reminder of what had happened and what should be done to do justice to those killed, wounded or declared missing in that ghastly doing.

The youths around the Greater Khartoum and in the regional capitals organized sit-in protests, carrying placards of condemnation of the massacre and calling for the punishment of those responsible.

The Army had preempted the expected movement by blocking major roads leading to its general command, in anticipation of protest congregations at the place which saw the massive sit-in on  6 April 2019 that forced the Army to take sides and topple Bashir.

But in a change of mind, yet to be indentified military and paramilitary forces on 3 June stormed the place with batons and firearms killing many, to evacuate the place.

The Sudanese who were overjoyed by  Bashir’s ouster and prepared to celebrate the Holy Muslim Eid Alfitr Bairam the next morning, were soon  traumatized by that criminal event, that saw massive killings, serious injuries, rapes and kidnappings committed by those wild assailants.

More tragic, the Army at whose premises the unarmed civilians sought refuge ground, did not interfere to stop the bloodshed or at least allow them to take refuge inside.

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) that led the revolution against Bashir held the then ruling Military Council of masterminding and committing the massacre, an accusation the Council denied, though one of its leading figures, Lt.General Sharafeddin Kabbashi, had announced that the decision to evacuate the protesters was taken by senior commanders of all the Army and security units.

On the anniversary Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok vowed to put the perpetrators on open trial “in order for such acts not to happen again.”

Many global rights groups and country spokesmen had issued statements over the weekend calling for the immediate trial of those responsible for the massacre.



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