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Sudanese Professor Jaafar Elmirghani: Honors Of Sorts - Academic And Material

Sudanese Professor Jaafar Elmirghani: Honors Of Sorts - Academic And Material

KHARTOUM (Sudanow) - It seems so simple and so easy, a déjà vu, for Professor Jaafar Elmirghani, a Sudanese national who has recently been awarded the fellowship of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). But it wasn’t. The professor sits on over 550 published scientific papers. He personifying the saying: “Trust the tale not the teller”. His academic achievements talk for themselves.

His performance made such achievements look easy. But it wasn’t an out of the blue event. It goes back to the early days when he graduated with Bsc honors from the University of Khartoum, walking away in that year, 1989, with all 4 prizes in the department for academic distinction. His base was strong, spurring him high to join top seats in such Universities as Leeds, UK. He held prestigious fellowships funded by the Royal Society and by BT.

He was an IEEE Comsoc Distinguished Lecturer 2013-2016, that alone can tell from where he starts and where he stands now, a man of accomplishments without much fanfare.

Following are some of Professor Jaafar achievements as published in the world media websites:

The status of Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the  organisation’s highest membership grade, has been awarded to Professor Jaafar “for contribution to energy efficient communications”.

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of Humanity. 

As of 2018, it is the world's largest association of technical professionals with more than 423,000 members in over 160 countries around the world.

Professor Jaafar Elmirghani is Fellow of the IET, Fellow of the Institute of Physics and is the Director of the Institute of Communication and Power Networks and Professor of Communication Networks and Systems within the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK.

He joined Leeds in 2007 having been full professor and chair in Optical Communications at the University of Wales Swansea 2000-2007.

He received the PhD in the synchronization of optical systems and optical receiver design from the University of Huddersfield UK in 1994 and the DSc in Communication Systems and Networks from the University of Leeds, UK, in 2012.

He co-authored Photonic Switching Technology: Systems and Networks, (Wiley) and has published over 550 papers.

He was Chairman of the IEEE UK and RI Communications Chapter and was Chairman of IEEE Comsoc Transmission Access and Optical Systems Committee and Chairman of IEEE Comsoc Signal Processing and Communication Electronics (SPCE) Committee.

He was a member of IEEE ComSoc Technical Activities Council’ (TAC), is an editor of IEEE Communications Magazine and is and has been on the technical program committee of 41 IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM conferences between 1995 and 2020 including 19 times as Symposium Chair.

He was founding Chair of the Advanced Signal Processing for Communication Symposium which started at IEEE GLOBECOM’99 and has continued since at every ICC and  symposium at GLOBECOM’00, the Future Photonic Network Technologies, Architectures and Protocols Symposium. He chaired this Symposium, which continues to date. He was the founding chair of the first Green Track at ICC/GLOBECOM at GLOBECOM 2011, and is Chair of the IEEE Sustainable ICT Initiative, a pan IEEE Societies Initiative responsible for Green ICT activities across IEEE, 2012-present. He has given over 90 invited and keynote talks over the past 15 years.

He received the IEEE Communications Society 2005 Hal Sobol award for exemplary service to meetings and conferences, the IEEE Communications Society 2005 Chapter Achievement award, the University of Wales Swansea inaugural ‘Outstanding Research Achievement Award’, 2006, the IEEE Communications Society Signal Processing and Communication Electronics outstanding service award, 2009, a best paper award at IEEE ICC’2013, the IEEE Comsoc Transmission Access and Optical Systems outstanding Service award 2015 in recognition of “Leadership and Contributions to the Area of Green Communications”, the GreenTouch 1000x award in 2015 for “pioneering research contributions to the field of energy efficiency in telecommunications", the IET 2016 Premium Award for best paper in IET Optoelectronics, shared the 2016 Edison Award in the collective disruption category with a team of 6 from GreenTouch for their joint work on the GreenMeter, the IEEE Communications Society Transmission, Access and Optical Systems technical committee 2020 Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for outstanding contributions to the “energy efficiency of optical communication systems and networks”.

He was named among the top 2% of scientists in the world by citations in 2019 in Elsevier Scopus, Stanford University database which includes the top 2% of scientists in 22 scientific disciplines and 176 sub-domains. His latest but not last success was being elected Fellow of IEEE for “Contributions to Energy-Efficient Communications,” 2021.

He is currently an Area Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications series on Machine Learning for Communications, an editor of IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, IET Optoelectronics and Journal of Optical Communications, and was editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications series on Green Communications and Networking. He was Co-Chair of the GreenTouch Wired, Core and Access Networks Working Group, an adviser to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, member of the Royal Society International Joint Projects Panel and member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) College.

He has been awarded in excess of £30 million in grants to date from EPSRC, the EU and industry and has held prestigious fellowships funded by the Royal Society and by BT.

He was an IEEE Comsoc Distinguished Lecturer 2013-2016. He was PI of the £6m EPSRC Intelligent Energy Aware Networks (INTERNET) Programme Grant, 2010-2016 and is currently PI of the EPSRC £6.6m Terabit Bidirectional Multi-user Optical Wireless System (TOWS) for 6G LiFi, 2019-2024. He leads a number of research projects and has research interests in communication networks, wireless and optical communication systems.






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